truth or dare

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Seven kids sat in a circle near the fire place. It was cold, yet being together made them feel warm and safe. A fire couldn't keep up with the burning love they felt for one another. some felt love differently however.
A girl with fiery red hair spoke up, "let's play truth or dare!" She said enthusiastically.
A boy with black, bouncy curls rolled his eyes. "What are we bev, 10?" Beverly shrugged. "Beats doing nothing richie." Richie sighed but scooted in closer, joining the game.

Eddie was nervous. He hated truth or dare. What if someone made him say who he liked? what if someone made him do something disgusting like going to the bathroom and not washing his hands, or drinking toilet water. The possibilities were endless. Nonetheless, he participated in the game.
"let's start easy." Bill had lost his stutter but whenever he was nervous, it'd come out of hiding.
Everyone nodded, "richie you start."
Richie smirked evilly, "haystack, do you like anyone? If so, who?" He knew the answer, he just wanted the truth to be set free.
Ben sheepishly looked at the ground, he couldn't lie, that would break everyone's trust. "Yea, i like bev." Bev's cheeks went pink as she smiled at the boy who had fallen in love with her.
"January embers..." she whispered.
"My heart burns there too." Ben exhaled.

The game continued, it was Richie's turn again. "Richie," stan began, "whats your sexuality." They all expected a joke to be made. Something along the lines of, "straighter than Stan's dick." But the answer they got put shock on their faces.
"Bi." the trashmouth shrugged. He'd always thought boys were just as attractive as girls.
Everyone was in awe, until Mike began clapping dramatically. "Well, what do ya know, Tozier doesn't like tits."
Richie scoffed, "oh, I love tits. Your moms especially." He winked and Mike flipped him off.

Eddie was baffled. Richie liked boys. He actually had a chance. Beverly was the only one that knew Eddie's crush on Richie, and tonight, she was going to make Reddie happen.

"Ok, ok. Let's continue the game, shall we?" The boys nodded. Bev gave Eddie a menacing smile, "Eddie. Truth or dare?" The short boy visibly gulped. If he answered truth, Beverly could get him to admit his feelings. So he went for what he thought what the safest answer. "Dare." Bev's smile grew.
"Seven minutes in heaven... with Richie."
Yea, this is the end of me. Eddie thought.

Richie got up and practically dragged Eddie into a nearby closet. Beverly got up. Ben, Stan, Mike and Bill followed. She closed the door.

Richie and Eddie were standing face to face, their lips almost colliding.
"Chee." Richie grinned at the nickname.
he despised the fact that he couldn't see Eddie's beautiful face in the darkness.

Eddie felt a hand stroking his cheek. He felt the hand stride past his jawline and onto his chin, lifting it. What he felt next took his breath away, quite literally.

Richie's lips smashed into Eddie's. Eddie kissed back without hesitation. Richie put his hand on the smaller boys head and began tugging at his hair, Eddie liked the feeling and he left out a soft moan, giving Richie's tongue entrance.

The freckled boy began exploring Eddie's mouth with his tongue. Eddie's hands were now resting on Richie's neck.

Richie disconnected their lips, gasping for air.
Eddie frowned, already missing the taste of mint and cigarettes.

Richie had Eddie pinned against the door, leaving hickeys on his soft skin. As things were about to get intense, the door flew open and both boys tumbled out, richie falling on top of Eddie.

Beverly burst out laughing, "FINALLY!"
Eddie rolled his eyes as he planted a final kiss on Richie's pale lips.

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