Universal studios

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the losers club stood in the long waiting line for what seemed like ages. They had been waiting for nearly an hour to get on a stupid 5 minute ride, but it was worth it because this time, Eddie was with them.
whenever the group of friends would go any amusement park, Eddie would never come. He always came up with excuses that he'd get an asthma attack or that his mom would have an aneurysm if something bad happened to him while on the rides. Even though they all tried to convince him to come, he'd always refuse. But this year was different. Eddie was here, and he was going to have the thrill of his life.
Eddie heard the screams of the passengers aboard the 'flight of the hippogriff'. They weren't screams of terror. More like, screams of joy as the adrenaline rushed into their body and right back out. He'd never been to any theme parks so he was pretty frightened. He reached for his inhaler and took a puff of air, instantly calming down.
Bill saw Eddie's anxiety taking over and made his way over to the shorter boy. "d-don't worry Eddie. It g-gets really f-f-fun once you get the hang of I-I-t." Eddie simply nodded, still unsure. "I-I'll sit n-next to you on the r-ride if you want." Eddie vigorously nodded, wanting company.
Richie heard Bills offer and anger found its way inside the large boy. He pulled Beverly ide who was busy having a conversation with Mike. "He-!"
Her sentence was cut short by an angry looking richie, "bev did you hear?! bill's sitting next to Eddie! Now I won't get to sit next to him." Beverly was the only person that knew Richie had a crush on Eddie. "It's okay rich, maybe try the next ride."

As the line sped up Richie was still not happy with Bill. Since there were seven, one had to sit alone. Richie wanted to but Stan wouldn't let him. So the seating chart was, Eddie with Bill, richie with stan, Beverly with Ben, and Mike alone.

They were up next. As the losers got into their seats, Eddie felt a wave of panic come crashing over him.
"B-bill I don't wanna go! I can't go, I'm gonna die. what if something falls, what if I fall? Oh my god. My moms gonna have an aneurysm."
Bill tried to calm the small boy down but it was no use. Richie heard Eddie and took this as an opportunity. He got off his seat, a ride supervisor saw him and yelled after him, "sir, you have to-"
"I'm switching seats." Richie made his way to where Bill and Eddie where. He smacked bill on the forehead, "Bill, move." Bill didn't have to be asked twice. He got up and walked to where Stan was. "Hi eds."
"Richie what are you doing here." Richie smiled at the pretty boy next to him. "I'm here to save you Eddie spaghetti!" Eddie rolled his eyes at the nickname. "what makes you think I'd wanna go with you?" Richie looked hurt, he was hurt. He knew Eddie didn't like him, but that didn't stop him from trying. "It's nothing, I'll be here to make sure nothing happens to you." Eddie sighed, finding zero comfort in the taller boy. Just as he was about to make a smartass remark, he felt a hand interlace with his own. He looked down to see his hand intertwined with Richie's. "Don't close your eyes, it'll make it feel worse." Eddie nodded, his face was red. But not from the embarrassment of being afraid but because Richie was holding his hand.

The ride started. it went slow but when it got to the top, it came down fast. Eddie kept his eyes open but he gripped Richie's hand stronger. He saw Richie whooping with his free hand in the air. Eddie soon found himself enjoying the ride and screaming joyfully along with Richie and everyone else.

As the ride descended, Eddie let go of Richie's hand temporarily and dried his sweaty palms. His hand instinctively went back to Richie's.

"hey eds, let's go on a more scary ride." Eddie looked at him as if he were crazy. "w-what, why?" Richie smirked, "because it gives me an excuse to hold your hand." Eddie merely smiled as he and Richie got off their vehicle, still holding hands.

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