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Eddie watched as Beverly sat down in front of her vanity mirror getting ready for her date with Mike.

He had originally gone to her place to help her study for an upcoming test. They had stopped working about an hour ago but Eddie didn't want to leave so he stayed and helped her get ready.

Now he sat there, observing. She took out a small mirror that could be tilted back for a better angle. he saw her take out a small pencil looking thing from her makeup compartment. She uncapped it revealing a black, thin pencil. Eyeliner.

She closed her eye just a bit and drew a small wing on her lid, she repeated the same action on her other eye. Eddie stared in awe at how perfect the wing was. Bev didn't wear eyeshadow. After her liner had dried, she took out a small tool. Eddie identified it as an eyelash curler. She pressed it to her lid and squeezed down on her lashes.

Eddie flinched, thinking that looked painful. He gasped when he saw Bev bring the tool upwards, inverting it. How does she not cry out in pain? He wondered.

He was amazed when he saw Bev's eyelashes curled beautifully. She took out some mascara and wiped the excess of. She brought the wand to her lashes and began wiggling it between her lashes, coating every single one of them.

When she was done, she stood up made her way over to a shook Eddie. "What do you think?"

"Bev you look gorgeous!" He threw his hand ups and smiled widely. Bev blushed, "thanks Eddie." She caught him staring at her makeup and she grinned, "Want to try it?" He looked at the ground embarrassed. "Bev I-" his sentence was cut short by Beverly dragging him and sitting him down in front of her small mirror.

"Close your eyes." She instructed the small boy. Eddie did as he was told, he tried to suppress a giggle as he felt something wet and pointy drag itself along his eyelid.

"Open your eyes!" Eddie's eyes fluttered open. He was met with his reflection except something was different. He had two wings on each side of his eyes. He gasped and let out a happy sigh. "Thank you! I- I love it!" He beamed with happiness.

"We're not done!" She took out the eyelash curler. Eddie backed away not wanting it near his eyes. "No! It's gonna hurt." Beverly giggled, "it won't hurt if you do it right." She handed Eddie the small thing. He hesitated but eventually took it. "Now, bring it to your eyelid but a few inches away. Do not press it in!! Just keep it above your lashes." Eddie gulped but nodded. He brought the tool to his eye and held it just above his lash line. "Okay... now squeeze." He did as he was told and sighed in relief when he felt no pain. "Now, slowly invert it upwards. This will make your lashes curve and they won't stick out." He nodded and followed Bev's instructions.

He was surprised when he saw his long (already curly) lashes even more curled. He thought he looked beautiful, and he did. "One more thing." The redhead took out her mascara.

Eddie gladly took it. "okay, take the wand out and remove some of the excess on the wand so that your lashes don't get clumpy." He hummed in response and waited for further instructions. "Now lift your chin but look down, this will prevent you from getting to much mascara on your lids."

He did that.

"Raise the wand and wiggle it between your lashes while looking down, chin up!" Eddie performed what Beverly told him.

Beverly took out a cotton swab and some makeup remover and cleaned the areas where Eddie had gotten some tint. He smiled at her.

"T-thank you bevvy." He wrapped his arms around her. Beverly hugged back, "you look beautiful Eddie." He blushed.

If only richie could call him that.

Eddie frowned knowing that he had to take his makeup off. Beverly knew what he was thinking and quickly said, "don't take it off! Leave it.. just for a little while." He reluctantly nodded.

But little did he know, richie was on his way up to Beverly's room.


Richie heard soft giggles coming from Beverly's room. He could recognize that laughter anywhere.


Richie was madly in love with the little asthmatic kid and he hated that Eddie didn't fee the same. Heck, Eddie was even gay.

He slowly crept up the stairs not wanting to disturb.

"You look beautiful eddie." He heard Beverly say. He raised an eyebrow and peaked inside Beverly's room.

His mouth dropped open when he saw Eddie wearing makeup. He looked stunning.

"ooh! Want some gloss?" Beverly asked as she rummaged through her makeup kit.
Eddie shook his head, "its too sticky!"

Richie stopped himself from snorting, oh why did he have to have such a dirty mind? Without hesitation, he stepped inside the room.

"Wow eds! You look so pretty!" Eddie's eyes widened. He looked at the ground in shame.

"Rich-" he looked up to see Richie grinning widely.

Richie saw small tears forming in Eddie's eyes and he frowned. "What?" He kneeled down in front of the pretty boy. "You don't think it's weird?" He looked down at his hands to hide his shame. Richie took Eddie's hands in his own and smiled at how perfectly they fit.

"No, you look gorgeous eddie." The small boy blushed. He stared deeply into the freckled boy's eyes and remembered Beverly was in the room. He glanced at her and gave her a look of 'get out please.'

She cleared her throat. "Uh, I'm late for my date!" She skipped out of her room and went outside.

Richie grinned, "let's get one thing straight, you're beautiful without makeup. But if you want to wear it, that's cool. I'm just saying, makeup can't compare to your natural beauty."

Eddie smiled and licked his lips before staring at Richie's. He leaned in and pressed his lips against Richie's, who kissed back.

when they detached their lips, richie smirked.

"Did I mention how stunning you are?"

THIS IS THE MOST IVE EVER WRITTEN HOLY. Don't you love feminine eddie? he's so cute aghhh
Word count: 1059

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