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Warning: homophobic slurs.

Eddie hated showing PDA. He loved Richie but he'd never want to be seen holding his hand, kissing him or hugging him. He hated the things people would call him, he hated being called a fag, a queer, gay. He was gay but the the way they used the word to offend him hurt.
      Eddie's relationship with Richie was hidden. The only people that knew were the losers and themselves. Henry Bowers had his suspicions and spent his time teasing both boys, calling them disgusting and demons sent from hell.
      Eddie would never, ever, show PDA.

This bothered richie a lot. All he wanted was to hold his boyfriends hand, not caring about what people would think.

The losers were getting reddie to leave school, no one was in sight so Richie reached for Eddie's hand, lacing their hands together.
Eddie smiled liking the way Richie's big hands felt soft and gentle. Unfortunately, Henry Bowers walked out of his class. Eddie let go of Richie's hand and walked ahead of him, leaving the freckled boy alone. Richie frowned, his mood completely changed.
Henry gave the kids a death glare before walking away. When Henry was out of a sight, Eddie sauntered, allowing Richie to catch up. When he did, Eddie made an attempt at grabbing Richie's hand but the taller boy pushed away and walked faster, eventually joining Bill and Stan in a conversation. Eddie was confused, did he do something wrong?

The boys dropped Beverly off at her house, she gave each one a kiss on the cheek. Soon all the boys, except Richie and Eddie, were gone.  The taller boy hadn't spoken to Eddie since the Bowers encounter and he didn't know why.

"Hey Rich," richie hummed in response, "can I come over?" Richie sighed and nodded. The walk home to Richie's house was silent, an awkward silence.

     When the couple got to Richie's house, Eddie shoved passed him and into his room. Richie chuckled and ran after his boyfriend, forgetting he was mad.
    Eddie sat on Richie's white sheets, his legs crossed and arms resting on his lap. Richie walked over to the beautiful brunette and placed a soft kiss on the shorter boys lips. Eddie kissed back, grateful for Richie's sweet embrace.
    Eddie disconnected their lips and frowned, "why weren't you talking to me?" his voice was soft and fragile. The raven haired boy ran a finger through his black locks.
     "Eds, I'm tired." a perplexed Eddie scrunched his nose. "Of what?"
    "of this!" The trashmouth's voice grew louder as he was practically yelling, "I'm tired of you not acting like you actually love me. I want to be with you eddie! I really do. But i sometimes wish we were the opposite gender from one another. So that I could kiss you and people wouldn't think it was disgusting; so that I could hug you and it wouldn't be considered demonic, and so that I-" richie looked at the ground, holding back a sob.
    "So that I could hold your hand without... without you pulling away." Eddie watched as his boyfriend stared at the ground, he didn't know what to say. "Richie.. I-"
"Just forget it." Eddie nodded, "I should get going now."

Richie watched as his boyfriend slung his backpack over his shoulder and walked away, leaving Richie in tears. When he was sure Eddie was gone, he grabbed a pillow and screamed into it.

Eddie shouldn't have walked away.
He should've stayed and comforted the boy he was in love with, but that didn't matter now. He was going to make it up to Richie. He had too.


Richie entered the school building feelings glum.
He saw Eddie standing at his locker, smiling. Richie sighed and walked over to the small brunette. Eddie practically ran into Richie's arms and kissed him.
Wait what? Eddie was kissing him. In front of people. Regardless, richie kissed back. Some kids smiled and cheered while others laughed and pointed, calling them out.
"What a bunch of fags."
"Ew that's disgusting, how do they live with themselves?" And a bunch of other nonsense.

This time Eddie didn't care, he wanted everyone to know that Richie was his. And only his.

i HATED writing this chapter. I hate homophobic people so much like I can't-

We're all equal you fucking idiots.

Anyways, schools out for me and I'm probably gonna be more active ?!

but for rn, goodnight gays!

I mean guys.

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