I miss you

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   It had been nearly 4 weeks since Richie and Eddie broke up. They loved each other deeply, but their relationship only brought pain and torment. Both were to blame. One thing was certain, they still loved each other.
         Because of their breakup, the losers had also split up. Stan, Mike and Beverly stayed with Eddie. Beverly hated leaving Richie. Occasionally, they'd meet behind the school and smoke a cig or talk about their feelings and family problems. Beverly was like a mother figure for Richie, leaving him was abandonment. Why did she leave? Because Eddie needed her too. She couldn't just choose between them, Richie let her go.
     Bill and Ben chose to stay with the trashmouth. Bill and Richie had grown close because of the breakup, they were practically brothers. Ben just wanted to support Richie. When Bowers had gutted him like a fish, richie kept him company. He told him stupid jokes that made him laugh and took his mind off the pain.

Richie, Bill and Ben sat in their usual lunch table. "There's a party at El's House, we should go." Ben explained. Richie shook his head. He hated parties. He hated the alcohol and the drunken teens. Party was another word for 'instant regret.'
     Bill wanted to go, he wanted to have fun. He wanted richie to enjoy himself. "Please R-richie. Eddie might be t-t-there." Richie pondered the thought and nodded his head. Mainly because he wanted to see Bill happy. 
       Guess they were going to a party.

Eddie arrived with Bev to El's party. It was 7:40 and music was being blasted from inside the house. He heard teens cheering, they were most likely drunk. He and the red head stepped inside the big house and helped themselves to healthy drinks. Eddie saw a boy with Curly brown hair standing next to another boy with even curlier hair but his hair was black. Richie.
      Out of the corner of his eye, Eddie was able to see Richie drinking out of a red cup. He didn't know if it was an alcoholic beverage, but he hoped it wasn't.

   It got even darker as the clock reached 11:24pm. Eddie wanted to go home. He stepped outside and started looking for Beverly, who was nowhere to be seen. He did however see Richie.
     The raven haired boy was sitting on the grass gazing at the stars. To the side he saw Richie holding a bottle of whiskey.
No. Eddie thought. He wouldn't do that... he can't, he promised me!
    Richie hated alcohol. Any form. He didn't want to turn out like his dad, an abusive man that spent everyday in a bar drinking and forgetting about his family.

  Richie felt Eddie's presence. he knew it well.
"hi eds."
"Hi 'Chee." Richie grinned at the pet name. God, how much he missed Eddie calling him that.
     "Remember the good memories you and I had?" Eddie pouted. Most good memories were usually before or after a fight. there wasn't that many good memories. "No. We never had 'good' memories richie. At least not on their own. We'd always be arguing or fighting. Not a single day did we ever have a 'good' memory."
   Eddies ex boyfriend stayed silent, unsure of what to say. He grabbed the bottle of whiskey and hauled it to his lips, only to have the bottle snatched from his hands.

      "No! what the fuck, you promised yourself you wouldn't ever touch this shit! You- you promised ME." Eddie tried to hold back his sobs but he couldn't.
    "I'm sorry." The taller boy replied, his voice breaking. It took Eddie a moment to realize he wasn't apologizing for the alcohol but for everything else before that.

Eddie sank to his knees and faced Richie's gorgeous face. He cupped his cheeks with his hands and leaned in, richie did the same. Their lips pressing against each other. It was a sweet passionate kiss.

they pulled away and smiled, they wanted to start over. and that's exactly what they did.

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