The quarry

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Richie isn't a part of the losers in this.

6 kids walked in the blistering heat of Derry.
     "Can we please go somewhere to cool off?" Ben whined. each teen nodded their heads, "the quarry." Bev suggested.
    They all ran as fast as they could to get to the chilling waters of the quarry.

Not many people ever went to the quarry, so they were surprised to see two figures already there. however, the first figure wasn't one they were to fond of. It was Henry Bowers.
Next to Henry was some other kid with curly black hair.
"Oh my god it's Henry." Eddie gasped out of breath from all the running. "Let's go!" The gang was about to turn back when they saw Henry throw a punch at the other kid. Beverly was about to run to his side when he got up almost instantly and tackled Bowers.

The boy began punching, not stopping once. His punches became harder and Henry was starting to lose his consciousness.

Richie felt a pair of hands grab his shoulders and pull him away from a bleeding Henry. He was about to throw more hands, thinking it was one of Richie's goons. He looked up and saw a small boy with freckles splattered across his nose and cheeks, big brown doll eyes, brown curly hair and pink luscious lips.

"Hey, what gives?!" Richie shouted.
A girl with short hair laughed, "we're saving your ass, don't kill him!" Richie pouted wanting to crush Henry's skull.

The pretty boy that had pulled him away crouched down, meeting Richie's eyes. "Why were you with him in the first place?" His voice was soft and cute.
"He wanted to talk, asshole said he wouldn't throw punches."
Eddie giggled, "yea, well, Henry's idea of talking usually involves fists."

Oh lord his giggle is so precious. Richie thought. "I'm eddie."
"Richie." They stared at each other, admiring one another. Mike cleared his throat, "I thought we came to swim."

The losers, including Richie, began taking their clothes off. Eddie found himself staring at Richie's perfect body, seeing it was obvious he worked out. when Eddie finally stopped staring, he joined ben and Bill who were standing over the edge of the cliff.

Once everyone was out of their clothes and in their underwear, (and bra because bev needs to have a bra on, duh) they lined up pondering who jumped in first.

"S-so who's going in f-first." Bill asked. No one stepped up. Beverly rolled her eyes and took 4 steps back. "Sissies." She ran and jumped off landing with a loud splash against the water. "WHAT THE FUCK. we just got stood up by a girl!" Richie yelled.
Bill went next, then stan and mike. Ben jumped in after. Richie was about to jump but was pulled back again by Eddie.

"Gee eds, that's the second time." Eddie cringed at the nickname. "Don't call me that."
"Okay. Sorry Eddie spaghetti." Eddie rolled his eyes and sighed. "I'm scared." He expected richie to laugh like the losers usually do but he didn't.
Instead, richie laced their fingers together. "Don't worry Eddie baby, I'll protect you." Eddie smiled at the taller boy, "ready cutie?" Eddie nodded. He felt his body lift off the ground, he closed his eyes and felt himself falling. His hand was still laced with Richie's as his body hit the water.


As time went by, Richie found himself liking Eddie a lot. He wouldn't leave the tiny child alone, he felt like he needed to protect him.
It started to get dark out and soon everyone would need to go home.

Richie pulled Eddie aside. "I had fun with you eds."
"I had fun with you too rich."

Richie cupped Eddie's face with his hands and smashed his lips against Eddie's. Much to his surprise, Eddie kissed back.

They pulled away and grinned.
"I'll see you around richie." He kissed richie one last time before walking away.

This was the beginning of the best summer ever.

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