coming out

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Richie Tozier was indeed, gay.

he wasn't out, not to his family, of course, not to his best friend, Stan Uris, not to any of the losers.

not to Eddie Kaspbrak, who he's been in love with since the beginning of the seventh grade.

living in derry was, in a way, living in hell.

Richie remembers being in New York and the environment was crowded but he felt safer. Even with his claustrophobia, he'd choose to be in the crowds of New Yorkers instead of being home in Derry.

"You could move in with your aunt," Maggie Tozier had told him one lonely dinner. WentWorth Tozier hadn't shown up home again, Maggie didn't wait for him. she figured he had gotten drunk some place and passed out, which was, probably true. Richie would've loved that, moving in with his awesome aunt who seemed cool with the idea of homosexuals and what not. Once they had seen two girls kiss, his aunt, who's name was Aubrey, looked over and said, "they're pretty, back when i was younger.. well, i was pretty ugly, it's probably why i had to marry a man." Richie burst out laughing, earning some glares from the two girls. he apologized, and smiled. one of the girls smiled too, giving him the peace sign and then going back to her girlfriend.

Richie sighed and Aubrey noticed. "what's wrong kiddo?" she asked with that goofy smile of hers. Aunt Aubs was like Richie, except a girl and more understanding. "I have something to tell you.. but, can it be when we get home?" she had smiled and nodded, "we can leave now if you want?" Richie hesitantly nodded, "okay."

they walked out of Central Park and took a taxi to Brooklyn. the taxi ride was short and richie had regretted saying anything about wanting to tell her anything.

when they got to Aubrey's apartment building, Richie looked around to make sure Adam, Aubrey's husband, wasn't home. He sat down on the couch and waited for his aunt who was getting the two of them a coke. she handed richie the can, he took it politely and smiled awkwardly. "What'd you wanna talk about?" she asked in that New Yorkian accent. "You're.. okay with.. gays, right?" he asked shyly, feeling his body inch away from hers, a sign of discomfort.

it was a habit, he felt that when he asked something risky, he'd get hurt, hit. his dad would beat him any chance he'd get, over the dumbest reasons.

"Of course, kid." she smiled, suddenly curious, "why do ya ask?" "what if.. i, was.. gay?" he looks at the floor, fighting back the tears. he'd never said it out loud. he'd never talked to anyone before and he was feeling so many emotions. sadness, pride, anger, fear.

he didn't know it, but he started crying when he felt his aunt wrap her arms around him and tell him that it was okay.

"you're still my nephew, rich." she smiled, "and i love you for you." richie sniffled, wiping his eyes and nose. "if you ever, ever need a place to stay, kid, i got you." richie nodded, holding the unopened can in his hands. "what makes you think you are?" she questions, taking the beverage away from him and opening it up.

"there's this" he smiles, "this uh boy."
"really?" she grins, handing him the can. richie takes a sip from it, "yea. there is." "and who is this lucky young man?"

"well if anything, i'm lucky." Aubrey laughed softly, drinking from her can. "and his names Eddie," "Eddie? That's a pretty name, it's a cute name." richie blushed, automatically thinking of his crush. "Yeah, cute name for a cute guy."

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