i like you

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Richie and Eddie sat cross legged on the floor playing Uno. Richie had just won for the third time and Eddie wasn't having it.

"You're cheating!" Eddie jokingly yelled and threw cards at his best friend.
       Richie dramatically put a hand to his heart acting hurt, "I am not. You're just bad at this game, eds."

   Eddie rolled his eyes but laughed, "whatever Tozier."
     Richie watched as Eddie carefully gathered each card and stacked them neatly on top of each other. He watched as he crinkled his nose in concentration. He watched his freckles dance in the sunlight that shone through eddies window. Richie couldn't take it no more. He grabbed eddies shoulder and made him face his direction, "rich what are you-" Eddie's sentence was cut off by a pair of lips crashing into his.

  He stared wide eyed at his best friend. his best friend was kissing him.

Eddie wasn't kissing back. Richie pulled away when he felt Eddie wasn't kissing back. "O-oh I'm s-sorry. I'll go." Richie got up and grabbed his backpack, throwing Eddie's door open. He raced down the stairs, tears staining his eyes.

   Eddie ran after him. "Richie wait!"
The taller boy kept walking, ignoring the pleads of the boy he had fallen in love with. He felt a hand pull at his arm. "Rich-"
"Eddie I'm sorry. I thought... I don't know what I thought but I gotta go."
  "Rich it's okay... it didn't mean anything."

Richie was taken aback... "It didn't mean anything." It did.. to richie it did.
Richie scoffed, "yea, sure. Bye Eddie." He slammed the door and walked out.

   Eddie was confused. Richie never called him Eddie. It was always Eds, or Eddie spaghetti. He hated that Richie didn't call him the names he despised. The truth was, he secretly loved them.


The next day, Eddie couldn't wait to see Richie. He hoped everything was okay between them. When he got to their Biology class, richie wasn't there.
   When biology ended, he made his way to Beverly's locker. "Hey, have you seen richie?" The redhead shook her head. Eddie sighed.

When school ended, he made his way to Richie's house. He knocked on the door.
No response.
      Eddie opened the unlocked door. He had told Richie many times to lock it. He stepped inside the dirty house.

   He climbed the stairs and walked to Richie's bedroom. He saw the raven haired boy laying down on his backpack, his head hanging off the bed.
    "Richie sit up, the bloods going to rise to your brain."
Richie sat up and faced the cute brunette in front of him. "What are you doing here." His tone was cold. Eddie was hurt. "You weren't at school. you okay?"
"No Eddie. I'm not okay. I kissed you and you didn't kiss back. You say it didn't mean anything but it did! It meant something to me. I've liked you for like 3 years and you don't even like me back. So no, I'm not okay." He rested his head on his hands, choking back sobs.
    3 years. Richie had liked Eddie for 3 years. there was an awkward silence between the two. Eddie took a step forward and sat next to Richie. "Richie... I'm sorry."
"For what?" He asked. "Not liking me?"
Eddie didn't answer, instead he finished what richie had started. He smashed their lips together. Richie was shocked but kissed back
immediately. Richie wrapped his hands around Eddie's neck. Eddie began tugging at Richie's dark curls, earning a soft moan from the taller boy.
     Eddie pulled away and giggled, "rich, do you have a hair pulling kink?"
     "Shut up" richie exclaimed as he reconnected their lips.

I wrote this in P.E YEET

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