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so i wanna start writing more than just reddie so vote in the comments for a ship you'd like to see

*= poly relationships

reddie (richie/eddie)
steddie (stan/eddie)
stozier (stan/richie)
*streddie (stan/richie/eddie)
kaspbrough (eddie/bill)
stenbrough (stan/bill)
stanlon (stan/mike)
bevchie or richverly (bev/richie)
billverly (bill/bev)
benverly (ben/bev)
hanbrough (mike/bill)
kasplon (eddie/mike)
*stanbranlon (stan/bill/ mike)
*breddie (bill/richie/eddie)
bichie (bill/richie)
trashstack (richie/ben)

and actually vote or i'll look like a clown 😔

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