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"nice one, bill." eddie giggled out as he watched stan furrow his brow in slight annoyance.

they had been playing battleship and bill had taken down each and every one of stanley's ships. there was two teams.

team denbrough and team uris.

eddie had chosen bill's team without hesitation, which made richie's stomach turn in an unpleasant way. "c'mon stan, you gotta beat him."

"good luck with that," eddie chimed in, "bill's good at everything." beverly nodded, both were staring at bill with heart eyes and admiration.

the sight made richie want to puke.

bill blushed, "yuh-yuh-your t-t-turn stuh-stan."
the trashmouth looks at bill with hatred in his eyes, bill looks at him, unfazed. "um, B-10."

Bill smiles triumphantly, "nope." richie groans, "muh-muh-my turn."

eddie watches bill think his answers over, "B-8?" stan sighed, "hit." he whispered.

"B-9 and B-10." Bill grinned watching as stan placed the little pins into the ships holes. "you won." beverly and eddie hugged bill, "we knew you could do it" the redhead smiled, kissing bill's cheek softly.

richie rolled his eyes, "he totally cheated."
"no i didnt."  bill looks at stan softly, almost feeling bad. "nu-nu-next time, dont l-look at any of your sp-spots when trying to hit my s-s-sh-ships."

stan nods , feeling himself go bright red. the losers stood up from their places on the ground. "hey, lets get some frozen yogurt?" beverly asked. the others nod except for eddie. "i forgot my bike at home, i dont really wanna walk there."

"you ca-can ride with muh-muh-me."
"no eds, ride with me." richie interrupts.
eddie looks between richie and bill. richie's glaring at bill while bill just stands there uncomfortably. "uhm.. thanks richie, alright." he gives bill an apologetic smile. richie huffs and sticks his tongue out at bill who rolls his eyes and follows eddie outside.

the brunette mounts the bike shortly after richie. he feels eddie small arms wrap around his waist and he smiles, liking the way eddie holds him. "hold on sugar, this baby can ride.. if ya know what i mean." he turns back and winks at eddie who grimaces, "i rather not know, thanks richie."

richie snorts, kicking up the stand and pedaling on to the yogurt place. the ride their is silent, eddie resting his head on richie's back and richie smiling widely as he whoos while they go down a steep hill. eddie holds him tightly, giggling madly as he hears richie's string of cuss words.

when they get to Frogurt, eddie turns back and sees bill, stan and beverly pull up next to them. "we beat you guys." eddie smiled,
"for once youre on a winning team, rich." beverly laughs while stan flips her off.
"fuck off."

richie watches as eddie stares at bill again in that same admiring way. "we getting ice cream or what?" he growls, grumpily shoving his bike into one of the slots and locking it in place. Beverly didn't have to ask twice and she ran inside the store eagerly.

eddie made his way over to richie who was still struggling with his bike. "need some help?" he asked cheekily.
"why dont you go ask bill if he wants something from you instead?" richie snapped back, looking at eddie in a most annoyed way.

eddie didn't flinch, nor frown. instead he smiled and kneeled down next to the lanky boy. he helped richie with his lock and stood up. "gee, rich.." he sighed, "we talked about this, when are you gonna stop being so jealous?"
"when you stop giving the stuttering bitch those fucking puppy dog eyes."

eddie giggled, "c'mon, don't be that way." he stood up on his toes, kissing richie's cheek. "you know i have my heart set out on one stupid trashmouth." and with that he walked into the shop.

richie blushed. he let his ego get to him and he turned back to look at bill. he stuck his tongue out at him again and followed after eddie who was holding the door open.

"he does know we're dating, right?" stan pitched in, looking at the two boys who were walking hand in hand.

"nope." bill grinned, took a hold of stan's arm and the two walked in together

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