Chapter 7

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Hey everyone! I've noticed that My Waitress has over 100 reads! It may not be that grand, but for me, having a total of over 100 people to read My Waitress is awesome.

Thank you for reading my story. It makes me happy that you like it :)

Here's chapter 7!


Friday comes in a blur. After today I'm finally done with the first week of school, already getting tons of homework, including a 5-page front and back essay and a project that I only have the weekend to complete it. Not too bad.

I get up from bed and do my morning routine, rushing it a little. I put on a simple lavender tee with the ripped jeans and the Vans I wore on the first day, and of course, my bracelet. I give my hair a few brushes and let it flow down my back. I wake up early to make myself a nice lunch: a mushroom Swiss melt cut into two with some fruit on the side. For the first time in a while I put on smile walking in a faster pace to school for what's coming ahead of me. Why?

Because I have friends.

People who like me for me, who want to hang out with me because I'm nice, fun and have a wild side. People who would cry with me when I'm feeling down or having a hard time, people who stay by my side in whatever situation we're in. People who would joke around laugh with me, not laugh at me. People who don't hang out with me because of what I have, and what makes me who I am... or who I was.

But they don't know that. I don't have that anymore.

I step into Northway High, already having people's eyes make their way towards me. But I don't care. They can say whatever they want, just because I'm a waitress. I ignore the stares and hold my head up high, still smiling, and race-walk in the maze of hallways, searching for my friends. I make a quick right around the corner, and suddenly I hit something hard. I stumble back to see if I accidentally ran into a wall. But it was a chest with a blue tight-fitting sleeveless t-shirt hanging onto it. That figure though. Ahhhh snap out it!

"Oh, Milkshake, I-"

As soon as I recognized that voice, I wrap my arms around his torso and squeeze him into a hug. I look up into his ocean blue eyes and smile. "Hi, Malachi!"

He looks down and blinks a blank expression. Pinkish red spreads across his cheeks and nose. Then he smirks. "This is rare. You are hugging me."

"I'm in a good mood, so I wanna hug my friends." I state, letting go. He frowns, probably from letting go. I notice movement behind him and see Naomi, Ashton, Jace, and Noah walking toward us. I pass Malachi and give each of them a hug. "Hi, everyone!"

"Someone's happy," chuckles Naomi.

"Of course she's happy!" says Jace. "Classes are shorter because of the homecoming dance, which we won't be heading to, and the homecoming game is tonight, and celebrating the victory, which we will get, with a little party by the lake after- which reminds me, Noah, don't you dare throw me into the nasty part of the lake again or I will eeeeeennnd you."

Noah looks up from his phone, for some reason looks at me first, then at Jace. And for the first time, I see him smirk. A mischievous one. And boy what a smirk with those dimples. "Better watch out then."

Jace yelps and gets behind Naomi, holding her. "Eek! Naomi hide me."

"He may not be the only one to try," says Ashton in a playful way.

"You too, Ash???" We all laugh. We're all happy.

I'm happy.

Homeroom comes and no one is focused on any of the work. Mr. Mario was trying his best to shut everyone up at first, but gave up and gave us our work and to read certain pages in our textbook for said work. And that basically what happens for every other class; teachers give up and lets us do whatever. Thankfully, Alice and Courtney and that other girl aren't around to bother me or any of us.

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