Chapter 34

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We all need breaks. I myself needed one. Didn't think it'd last for more than two months. School and... well life has pushed me away from writing. It's getting better though, thank goodness.

But here's chapter 34! Hope you enjoy it


Lifting my bag upside down, I pour the bits and pieces of the camera I smashed last night onto the counter of Susie's Diner in front of Emily. She jumps in her stool to the sounds, shook that I actually carried this with me all day in school till now. Yes, I actually did.

"You found the camera." She glances around the diner. A couple curious yet concerning pairs of eyes dart to the broken device.

"You knew about this?" I was pretty sure her last name wasn't on the electronic.

"My dad's company made that camera. I... was mainly the one who watched you. But whenever you were coming out of the bathroom, I turned it off, just in case you didn't have any clothes on." She felt uncomfortable saying that. She was probably forced. Thinking about it, I realize she saw everything. Everything. I think about Malachi.

"Don't worry, whenever you were with Malachi, I would disconnect a few wires so that no one saw or heard anything. One time I sent a virus into the system, effectively turned everything off for two weeks. Then they made me 'fix' it."

"Hey, at least it was you and not some creepy stranger." I tried to sound positive but it didn't come out right.

"Yeah, I wouldn't approve of that." Malachi creeps up behind me and takes the strawberry milkshake I just finished preparing out of my care. He takes it to the young man sitting three stools down from Emily. "You're supposed to be working."

I scoff. "And you're working here now? Don't you have money?"

"I do." He walks towards me and stops inches in front of me. "This is to only look after you."

He's been glued to me more than ever. "I'm in no need of babysitting. I can take care of myself." I swear if he starts following me around I'll grow even more insane.

"Of course." He smirks. "'Cause I'll be here."

The cook dings the bell and places two plates of food down. Malachi goes for it, but not without pecking my forehead before doing so.

I turn back to Emily and pay my attention back to the camera. I pick up the biggest piece of the casing that has the two names scripted on it. This is the part where I start to do some investigating. I need all the information and evidence I need to go forward into finding out why I'm who I am towards the wealth.

I face the piece towards Emily. "Do you recognize these two names?" No matter how long I stare at them, nothing pops in my head. Emily knows more than me.

She darts her eyes back and forth from me to the names. She raises an eyebrow. "You don't know the last name, Reid?"

I shake my head, although Reid sounds more familiar than Laneson.

"Nicole," says Emily, "that's Malachi's last name." I process what she said and grow silent. I look closely to the surname, beginning to feel stupid for being clueless. No wonder it's so considerable. The name belongs to the guy I've been knowing for the past couple months.

"I heard my name." Malachi approaches us as he wipes his hands on his apron. "What are we talking about?"

"Oh nothing, just how your last name is on our security camera." Emily says certainly, putting on a smile.

"Oh ok— oh." Now Malachi grows quiet. He glances at me multiple times to see my reaction.

"Why didn't you say anything when we first found it?" I ask. That's really all I wanted to know.

My Waitress (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now