Chapter 3

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"And that's how I met.. um.. Malachi." I conclude to Naomi and Ashton as we munch on our food in the crowded noisy cafeteria. I'm already forgetting the littlest things and now people's names, but I still remember the big things that happened in my life. Maybe it's getting worst.

The cafeteria is a big square room with circular tables with attached stools aligned in rows with each table having a clutter of seniors either sitting on the stools or on the table itself.

Ashton's mouth drops to the floor realizing something. "So you're the girl that owned Malachi this summer! Damn, I am honored!" He pats his heart with his right hand giving me a sincere look.

My eyebrow raises with confusion glued on my face. "Waitwaitwaitwait people already know me here?" I look over at Naomi, who gives me a nod.

"Well, they don't exactly know who you are or what you look like, you're just 'The Hourglass Milkshake Waitress' when Jace spread the word. So yeah, you've been the gossip that pops up from time to time since then." She sips her cran-grape juice.

Now my mouth gapes to the floor. I flush just by thinking that these people could be talking about the 'hourglass milkshake waitress' right now, wondering and debating on who this mysterious girl is. And what kind of name is The Hourglass Milkshake Waitress?

I want to avoid him as much as possible. I already decided that right after the milkshake incident, but now since we'll be lurking in the same hallways of the same building, it's going be a little harder.

I look around, taking in the new school when I see a familiar pair of ocean blue eyes gazing into my dark olive green ones. And it's Flannel Boy. Also known as Ocean Boy. Also known as Malachi... whatever his last name is.

He sits on one of the circular tables in the center of the cafeteria, not focused at all of what his friends are saying. What is there to see that's interesting?

I brake our gaze and focus on my food, but I couldn't help but notice Naomi flushing over a certain dirty blond at Malachi's table.

"What makes you have the hots for Mr. No-Herpes?" I blurt out. I did not just say the nickname.

Ashton roars as Naomi bites her lip as she is in shock and tries not to laugh.

"Yeah, I want to know what that alien has to make him not have STDs." says Ashton. He calms down, cupping his left hand to his face. I notice a sadness in his eyes, but also a tense look.

Naomi slaps Ashton's arm in a playful manner. "You know I have a crush on him! So does your sister! Ever since the 6th grade when we all came to the same middle school." She nibbles on a nugget. "He's just a really cute n' funny guy. Yeah, he goes for all the girls, but I think he's just trying to find the perfect one for him. I'm not saying I'm that, because no one's perfect, but if I can just have a moment with him, I feel like I would be able to see the Jace that no other girl ever saw, because I'll actually like him for him, and not for how good he is at flirting and being in bed."

Ashton's body tenses up.

As the bell rings to say that lunch is over, I rush a bye to Naomi and Ashton and quickly dash out the cafeteria to loose him. I take out my schedule to see what I have next: Chemistry.

When I step into the classroom, it was already full with students either not paying attention or ready to hear what the teachers say. But their eyes go on me as I enter the room.

How late am I? Was I really in the bathroom for that long to loose track of time? What did that pasta do to me? I made that pasta.


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