Chapter 11

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I say my goodbyes to Ethan and head up to my studio. Since I have a new phone I've received over the summer, I was going to give him my number, but surprisingly he said he already has it. I was going to ask him how but he said he had to be home, so we ended the conversation there.

I put on my pajamas, take my backpack to my bed and turn on the lamp to start on my homework. I should get it over with so I won't have to worry about it later. First I'll do that 5 page front and back essay for AP literature, then that 3 page packet for math, and then the project for AP Chemistry. I wrote down a lot of notes so I can remember what we learned in class, so if I'm focused and go through each and every one of them at a normal pace, I should be able to finish everything by midnight—


What the fu—


I slowly turn my head to where the music is coming from. The screen of my phone lights up on the kitchen counter as it buzzes to the song that reminds me of what a doosh Malachi was like during the summer... Wait a second.

I quickly get up from my bed and dash to counter, and I knew it. The name that shines on the screen reads 'Malachi Reid 😘' with that emoji winking while making a kissing face with the heart next to the mouth. I smile to myself. Of course he would make that song as his ring tone. He just gave me his number, what would he be calling for? Only one way to find out. I tap the green button and lift the phone to my ear. I sit back on my bed. "Hi Malachi."

"Milkshake!" he says statically through the phone. "Which dessert? Apple pie or chocolate mousse?"

This is sudden. "Umm, Chocolate mousse. Why do you ask?"

There's a hesitation. "... no reason."

"There has to be some reason."

"Maybe I just wanted to talk to you.

I chuckle. "Ok Malachi."

There was another hesitation. "..Um hey, can I ask you something else?"


"How do you know Ethan?" The question makes me stop doing my homework. How do I know Ethan? Our families were business partners, so his family was always at our house. Whenever both our parents go into the office, we would hang out. Even it wasn't for business they would come over and hang out with us, like that time when they brought the Nerf guns. But can I tell Malachi that? What is preventing him from telling him? My head starts to throb. Don't tell him.

"Um, why do you ask?" I ask instead of answering.

"Ethan is the son of Nathan Katzon, who is a very wealthy entrepreneur owning many other businesses as well. I know that because of my dad introducing me to him, saying that our families will be business partners. Ethan and his father are very alike; they only speak freely to those who are like them, who have money like them. And when I saw how he acted towards you.. and you towards him.." he clears his throat. "I was wondering, since you know him so well, you must come from a wealthy family like them. Like me too...?"

I stay silent. I didn't know what to say. I don't want to tell him. Not now. I don't even know if I should fully trust Malachi, I've only known him for a week. I did go in his car because he said that he'll take me to school, but he didn't, and I trusted him at that. Not just Malachi, Naomi, Ashton, Ashley, Jace, and Noah. But they never did anything bad to me. I take them as my friends, and they've never done anything bad. Maybe my father's lesson of not trusting everyone really got to me. It sucks.

I finally answer. "Well, I knew Ethan.. before he thought money was everything. But when he did, he uh, still talked to me, and we were still best friends." And I lie.

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