Chapter 18

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A pounding headache wakes me up to a dark room. The only thing that illuminates the space is the moonlight that shines through the windows.

I feel what I'm laying on. It's sort of soft but also firm. As I slowly rise up, the surface sinks in with my elbows and makes a squeaking sound. That's when I realize it's a bed. My bed. I'm in my studio.

How did I get here? I can't remember anything after getting ready for the party, then... Ugh, my head hurts so much, I can't even think clearly. But the question I should be really asking is who brought me here.

"You're awake."

I freeze as I hear the low voice. Someone's in my home. But the voice sounds so familiar, it must be someone I know. But who? How did he get in?

I turn my head and notice a dark figure sitting on the edge of my bed. I squint my eyes, trying to see if I can get a better look. Fortunately, the moonlight brights up his face, and I can see his ocean blue eyes.

"Malachi," I recognize. I scoot forward to the edge of my bed and sit next to him. "What time is it?"

"Almost one in the morning," he answers.

"Did you bring me here?"

"Yeah. You got drunk, so I took you.. home."

So that's what happened. I really can't remember anything. My memory is getting worse. Thought It's nice that Malachi took care of me and carried me safely... in my...

Malachi is in my studio. My home. What I wanted to hide away and keep from him, from all of my friends. . My heart drops. Oh no... "Malachi..."

"Milkshake... is this really where you live?" He asks calmly.

I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. What can I say to him, what should I say? He's already here, probably saw every bit of the place. I can't lie to him anymore. There's no point. "Y.. yeah. I do."

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks softly.

"I..." my hands shake in my lap. Just tell him, Nicole. It's going to be okay. I know I can't just go up to him and say, 'oh hey Malachi, yeah guess what? I live in a not-so safe and nice place. Yeah, hard to believe. I'm working because I'm paying for my own rent and bills. Shocking right? Why aren't my parents doing that? Because they're...' you know...

So just talk. "I was afraid of what you and everyone would think of me, so I kept my inside life away from you. That's why I wouldn't let you take me home, because I didn't want you to see this place. Part of me just.. couldn't tell you.

"I'm working as a waitress for this. I'm paying the rent, the bills... so I can make a living and stay in this place... alone."

"Alone?" Malachi questions. "You're paying you're own rent and you're own bills? Where are you're parents? They should be here."

"My parents.." I take a deep but shaky breath. "They...they're... dead." I whisper out the last word but still choke on it. My lip starts to quiver as thought of it swirls in my head. A river of tears rush down my face as I look into his eyes.

Malachi doesn't say anything. He only acts immediately, moving closer to me and wiping my tears away. But more rush down and drip from my chin.

"I wanted to tell you that," I continue. "But I couldn't. And I lied to you, many times. I didn't want anyone except Emily and Ethan to know about my past life in New York. Because they know who I am. They've been with me for most of my life.

"Aside from that, I... I'm still trying to accept the fact that neither of them will be here for me anymore. They won't be here for any of my birthdays... any holidays ... my graduation... for as long as I live..." Would I even live for a long time? That's something I've been asking myself ever since they passed. Would I get to experience the age my parents didn't? Only time will tell.

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