Chapter 27

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Hi everyone! I am so sorry for not posting. School had taken over my time and I had none to work on My Waitress. Thankfully Spring Break finally came and I had more time to work on it. I was hoping to post this during the break but unfortunately that isn't happening. I hope you enjoy this chapter!



Ever since I came to Atlanta, I had a feeling I'm being watched.

Everywhere I go, I feel eyes on me. Piercing, raving eyes continually gazing at my every move, even in my studio. Sometimes I would know who, like Victoria at school. But at other times, I look around to find no one staring. For example, yesterday, when I felt eyes on me while I was doing homework with Naomi at the diner. Yet again, I saw no one.

Maybe, it's Mom and Dad. They're watching over me, going wherever I go, protecting me from whatever trouble that can happen. Thinking of that ends up with me feeling gloomy and mournful. But it also makes me feel like I'm not actually alone...

"So... what's this plan for making Ashton and Naomi bffs again?" asks Emily, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What?" She offered me a ride to school, and I immediately took it. It's been 7 months from what happened. I want to recover from the crash. It begins with being comfortable in a moving vehicle. But... not this fast.

What I've learned so far is that Emily barely steps on the brakes. Only when there's a red light, but fortunately so far, we've been driving with green lights all the way. She doesn't slow down. If there's someone driving slow in front of us, she would brush past them in a breeze. If we have to turn, she smoothly turns without having to stop.

"You said you were gonna explain how to fix Ashton and Naomi's relationship."

"I did?" My mind goes blank. I don't ever recall talking about the plan. Do I even have one for them? "Um..."

"You already forgot," she sighs. "Nicole, I feel like your memory loss is getting worse—"

"No no," I shush her, putting my finger up. "I do have a plan. Trust me on this." But I'm not so sure myself.

Unsurprisingly, we arrive at school on time. I open the car door and jump out into the dizzy world. I cover my eyes and lean on the car. I reveal my eyes back to the world, and see Emily now standing in front of me.

"Are you sure you can handle my driving?" She asks, concerned. "I feel like I should take it easy for you... but I do like my driving..." She mutters. She says something else, but I don't catch it.

"It's fine, really," I breathe out. "This is part of the recovery." A memory flashes across my brain, when Malachi, Jace, and Noah picked me up from the street and raced down to— did we even go to the school? It was somewhere, but that was the first time I've been in a speeding car. I roll my eyes at the memory.

"Well, you're recovering fast, surprisingly." says Emily. We start walking toward the school. "The hospital must've treated you well. You were there for a while, from what I heard."

I nod. "Yeah, for most of June, I think." I'm surprised to see myself not breaking down as much as I did before. To be honest, I can barely remember what happened at the hospital, only the part where I first woke up, and everything that happened came rushing back to me, and sitting in the hospital bed in a cast, a nurse having to feed me. The rest is all a blur.

"Most of June?" Emily questions. "I was told it was the whole month of June, and the first few days of July." We stop in the lobby.

"Oh?" I look at Emily questionably. I could've sworn it was just June. It makes me want to remember everything that happened. But even if I try, I can't. I shrug it off.

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