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It's afternoon now. Luke his hangover is almost gone now and Ashton's is gone. Calum just left. Luke just decided to go and talk to Ashton to get the nice guy out of him. Not the Reddit Nice Guys, no a guy who really is nice.

"Hey Ashton," Luke says while entering Ashton's room. He finds the boy drumming and he is lost in his own world. When Ashton hears his name he looks up and meets the blue eyes of the boy in his room. "What are you doing here, Luke?" He asks while getting up from his drums. "I wanted to talk to you..." He frowns, "about what?" Luke is surprised that Ashton is a little nicer to him than normal. "I don't know... I just want to get to know you. The real you."

"Oh my God, do you want to fucking hook up with me? I am NOT gay," Ashton says. And here is the Ashton he knows. "I am not trying to hook up with you. I just know that you're different than how you act around everyone." The boy laughs, "good one." "I'm serious. You're so nice to your mom and nicer towards your friend... Calum, right?" "Don't talk about them." Ashton's voice is a little darker than normal. "Dude, chill." "Get out of my room." "But-" Luke tries to say but Ashton cuts him off. "NOW!" Luke jumps over Ashton who is so angry all of the sudden. He walks out of his room. Oh well, he tried.

The past few days all went like this. Ashton got nice but all of the sudden he got rude again. But Luke didn't give up. "Ashey," he says while walking into the pool area with his swimming trunks on and a towel over his shoulder. Ashton is swimming in the pool and floating in the water while staring at the sky. "Oh hey," he mumps. He stops with floating and looks at Luke. "Do you mind if I join you?" He shakes his head so Luke puts his towel on a table and gets in the pool.

There is a moment of silence. Luke glares over at the brunette. He must admit; he is starting to get feeling for the boy. When he is nice at least. But he isn't gay and Luke doesn't even know if he wants to date him. The brunette comes closer to the blonde boy. They look at each other. Randomly Ashton splashes water over Luke and he giggles. He splashes back, "why?" "I don't know. I just felt like doing it." Luke shakes his head and laughs a little.

Ashton splashes more water while giggling. "Stop. I am starting to think you're gay by doing this," Luke says while laughing. "I'm not fucking gay," Ashton got out of the pool, took his towel and started to walk away. "No, Ash, wait!" Luke yells. He gets out of the pool and gets to Ashton. "Leave me alone," Ashton says while turning around. He is angry. "I didn't mean it like that," Luke says, truly sorry. "I don't care. You said what you said. Now leave me alone F... Faggot." He walks away. Luke's jaw drops because of the word Ashton used.

He gets angry. He can't hold his anger in and rushes towards Ashton. He pushes him against the wall. "Don't you dare to use that word like that," he hisses angry. Ashton is impressed by Luke's actions. He didn't know he had that in him. Ashton just chuckles. "Something is really wrong with you, Jesus Christ." Luke loses his grip a little. He is still angry. "Is Lukey mad?" Ashton asks with a grin on his face. "Fuck off." Ashton likes to tease him at the moment to see how mad he can get him, "so you are gay?" "I'm not gay," Luke says and he rolls his eyes, "I'm bisexual." "Ah, so you don't know if you like boys or girls more?" That was the last draw for Luke and he punches Ashton in the face before walking away like nothing happened.

Luke goes to his room and calls Michael. Luke is really upset and Michael helps him calm down. Meanwhile Ashton is in shock about what happened. "So Luke can be rude," he mumps. He goes with his hand over the spot he got punched and goes to his bathroom.

"Damn Luke," he mumps, "I think I'll have a black eye because of you." He grabs some ice from the fridge and he wraps it around a towel while pressing it at the spot he got hit. After a few minutes he removes the ice and goes to his bedroom. He calls up Calum. "Hey Cal, you wouldn't believe what Luke just did."

So I decided to also puts on Saturday
That's all I have to say for now
Bye :)

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