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And then Ashton just kissed the other boy.

Luke's eyes got big. He didn't know what to do. Why is Ashton kissing him? After a while he slowly kissed back.

But Ashton broke the kiss fast. He is bright red and so is Luke. "I- I am so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what I am doing," Ashton says and he gets up. He runs out of the room.
"No, Ashton, wait," Luke says and he runs out of the room as well. He follows Ashton who runs to the garden and sits down somewhere randomly.

"Ashton," Luke says while walking up to him. He sits down next to the boy. Ashton doesn't react at all.
"Ashton, do you... Like me?"
Ashton stayed quiet. Luke sighed and decided to just be completely honest with the boy since he needs that right now. Ashton needs to hear what Luke thinks so Luke can help him.

"Okay, I am going to be completely honest right now," Luke says, "if you like it or not. You probably need to." He tries to lock eyes with Ashton but he keeps ignoring him.
"I like you. I like you a lot. When I 1st met you I hated you. You were so rude but I knew you weren't like that. And so I tried to get the good side out of you and then I fell for the real you. The nice you. I don't know if you wanted to hear this or not but the truth is out now. And you giving me a hickey and kissing me gives me a strong feeling you like me. Or you wanting to explore a little to know how gay you are."

Ashton looks up, "you like me?"
"Yes," Luke says, "I told you this before, when you were drunk. So now I want to know if you like me."
The hazel-eyed boy thought it was only fair to be honest too right now. "Yes," he says, "I do like you."
Luke nods in unbelieve. He kind of knew, but hearing him say it was still a shock. He saw some fear in Ashton's eyes what made him frown, "are you scared? What for?"

Ashton started to cry again. He is such a mess lately. Luke quickly wraps his arms around him and pulls him against himself. "Ash, what's wrong?" He asks.
"I- I am just scared, Luke. I don't wanna be like this. I can't be like this. Everyone can be it, accept me. I- I used to be positive I was straight and now I'm not and y- you are in my life and I just am so scared. I can't e-even accept myself, how can others accept me?"

"Ashton, you're amazing. Please accept yourself and be proud of who you are. There is a pride in town next week, let's go together. Be happy with who you are. You're to amazing to hate yourself," Luke says. "And I know how scary this time can be. But you got me. I know how scary coming out is. How weird it is to accept yourself. Sure, people are going to hate. But they always are going to find a way to hate on people. Even the most perfect people get hate on about stupid reasons. So please accept yourself. I'll help you."

Luke grabs Ashton's hand and squeezed it. Ashton nods, "sure, let's go to pride and let's do this together." Luke smiles and their fingers intertwined. Luke heard his mom scream his name again and sighed.
"Well I gotta go now. If you need me just text me or something. I'll look for you later. Maybe you should meditate? That helped me a lot when I was a mess."
Ashton nods and let's go of Luke's hand, "yeah. Maybe that's a good idea."

Luke doubt for a second but then just have Ashton a quick peck on the lips and got up, "see you around."
Ashton laughed, "see you around." Then Luke went and look for his mom.

He found her in his room. "Luke! For the hundred time: clean up your mess!" She yelled frustrated.
"Sorry, mom," he said. Then she notices his hickey and tries to touch it but Luke jumps back.
"Luke Robert Hemmings! What is that on your neck?! Who did that?!" His mom was pissed.
"Mom, it's not a hickey. I know it looks like it but it isn't."

She frowned, "oh, whats it then? You burned yourself with a straightener?" She crossed her arms.
"No," he says and thinks really quick, "a weird insect bit me. I was outside and it randomly stung me. I have no idea what is was."
His mom nods, "okay. But don't let me find out it was a hickey and you are hooking up with someone."
"No, mom, calm down."
"Now clean your room and then you can do whatever you want again." Luke nodded with a sigh and cleaned his mess really quick.

Oh, I'm just waiting for, waiting for you
To tell you that, tell you that you're
Oh, I'd keep waiting for, waiting for you
If you wanted me to

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