29. || I Now Pronounce You Husband & Wife

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East POV

The Day Before The Big Day 💒

Today was my bachelor party and I didn't know what to expect. I just knew we was gone be lit by the end of the night and I was ready for it.

"Aaron bro what the fuck you doing? It's time to go and yo ass doing what?" I walked in his room and he had a familiar face sitting on his lap. "Queeny what yo ass doing here?" Queeny was Mill's lil cousin, Naija.

"Hey cuh in law."

"Aye bro I met her at the engagement party. Since then we been talking. She spicy too."

"Yeah yeah you ready? We gotta do some shit before later. I wanna get my tattoos freshened up and get a couple new ones today."

I was planning on getting Mill name on the side of my ribs and get my tattoos touched up on my hands. I also had a meeting I wanted to handle before I turnt up.

I was setting up a meeting with Mill and Akaisha to talk. I'm getting married and this shit supposed to go straight. All that petty, kid shit that has happened in the past I'm over it. I don't need no negativity surrounding my family anymore and that's the main thing that's fucking with me. We all gone sit down and talk later on today.

"Ight bro. Queen we'll link after the wedding baby?"

"Yes I'll text you hun." She stood up and pushed me on her way out.

"You hitting her?" I asked my lil brother straight up.

"Nah not yet. She wanna take things slow. Shit I'm with it cause you know I be on the road with this modeling shit and the military.

"Best way to be my brother. See me and Mill we took it slow as we could." We both laughed. "Na but forreal shit started happening so fast over a long period of time but I wouldn't have done it any other way besides my cheating, which I won't claim forreal." That shit still bothered me some days. "But aye let's go."

I had flew Akaisha in. Surprisingly she was with it and didn't give me no argument either, so shit might actually go smooth today.

I had called Mill up to meet me at the hotel, and she was with it even though we weren't supposed to see each other this whole time. But I told her it was important, so she should be on her way.

"Who is it?" I heard a knock at my hotel door. "Your soon to be wife??" It was my baby Mill. I opened the door and grabbed her up. I missed my baby. "Hey baby." I kissed all on her, while she laughed.

"Bae, I missed you too." She laughed out. "What did you need to talk about?" She came in and sat down in the living room of my suite. Mill was staying in the suite below me, so I knew it wouldn't take her long.

"Well I don't mean to throw this at you but I had no choice." She looked at me confused. "Akaisha should be on her way here soon and-"

"Nope, hell nah. Not with this shit today!" She stood up but I stopped her. "Don't want you to be happy? Our wedding tomorrow Brandon."

"Baby listen, I know and that's why I need this to work out. I ont never wanna be a nigga that don't give Kai's mom a chance at parenting because we do a better job than her. I got full custody of Kairi so it's my choice whether if I want her to have that relationship with her mom and I do. I don't want her to get older and hate me because I don't let her see her mom." After I said that Mill grabbed my hands.

"I'm with you babe, I really am. So I have to be with that and I understand. You know how hard it was to get used to Kairi even calling me mommy, knowing I didn't birth her. But I love her like she mines and as long as she is treated right by her mom I'm okay with it. Now her momma, Akaisha can't keep disrespecting me. That's a no go."

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