21. || Aftermath

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East POV

I've been shot before but never have I felt this close to death. I was bleeding but I didn't know from where but I was starting to feel numb. I tried to build the strength to look in the backseat but blood was pouring from my neck. I heard police sirens and I couldn't hold on anymore.

Mill POV

"Where are they?!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs in the hospital. I got the call that my babies were in a car accident I was so scared! "CaNari and Cassius Taylor, Brandon Perkins! Somebody tell me something!"

"Ma'am please calm down, a doctor will be right out to speak to you."

"Mill calm down. The doctor is gone be right out." Sky had Ameira and Kairi while I was losing it. "Sit down. You scaring Akairi."

"Miss Taylor." I got up. "Hi, I'm Dr. Farrel. CaNari and Cassius Taylor are your little brother and sister right?"

"Yes! Are they okay?"

"Yes you can see them right away they been talking about you since they got here."

"Okay. What about my fiancé"

"Your fiancé Mr. Perkins is in the ICU room, did anybody give you details on your husband over the phone?"

"No they just told me to come up here, that my family was in a car accident! Why what's wrong?!" He had me freaking out.

"Um sit down please." He grabbed my hand and sat me at the nearest seat. "Your fiancé was shot when we found him. From the police reports he was shot while in traffic and that's what caused the wreck."

"No no no!" I began crying.

"But listen he's okay. It could have been much worse. He was shot in the neck if they didn't get here in time he would have lost his lungs and died. But thanks to my surgery he's gonna be just fine. Just a little trouble with his talking. His voice will be raspy for awhile. He's sleep right now but I can take you back to see him. You wanna do that?"

"Yes." We got up.

"The kids don't need to see him like this. I know mama East on her way up here so imma just take them home call me later."

"Okay." I kissed the kids and went back towards the doctor.

We made it to his room and he looked beat up bad. "My baby, no." I sat on the hospital bed and grabbed on to his hands. "What's the bandages from?" He had a bandage wrapped around his head and one on his left side of his cheek.

"Well they ran into a pole. So from the impact Brandon hit his head very badly on the steering wheel and the windows busted which made a big chunk of glass get in his cheek. I stitched him up. Your kids had minor cuts from the glass but luckily for the seat belt and the fact that they were sleep they barely felt any pain. You wanna go see them?"

"Yes." I stared at Brandon for a minute and got up and kissed his cheek. "Alright let's go."

He took me to the kid's floor and ran soon as I heard my brother's voice.

"My babies!" I grabbed Cassius up and held him so tight. I looked up and Nari was sitting on the other bed crying her little eyes. "Come here." She came and sat next to me and I held her too. "Y'all okay?" They just nodded their heads. "I'm so sorry babe."

"Is Brandon okay?"

"Um he will be but I don't want you guys to see him right now. He's recovering and I don't think he wants y'all to see him right now." I tried my best keeping my composure. "He'll be okay y'all."

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