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lingering feelings and lost love



I could tell Jack was crushing on Kalani just from the way he looked at her. I knew Auggie could tell too because he winked at me. I smiled back and stifled a laugh as I watched Jack stutter as Kalani smiled at him. Despite the fact I was enjoying Jack's reunion with his childhood crush, I knew I had to remind him about Charlotte. You could see the pained look on his face mirrored by the one on Kalani's face. She covered it up in a second, but I could tell she liked him. Time to play matchmaker, I thought.


Kalani and Jack didn't say anything to each other after my not-so-subtle reminder. Jack just stared into her eyes as she brushed her hair from her forehead again. She looked up and caught my eye. She smiled weakly and I knew I'd been right. She liked him and it hurt her. "Wanna go up now?" Auggie asked Jack and I. "Sure," Jack said, "Lani you wanna come too?" I saw a faint smile appear on her face as she heard his offer, but she didn't move. "No thanks ... maybe another time. I think I'll pass on Froyo ... perhaps another day. Wouldn't want your girlfriend to see you with another girl," she said, a hint of bitterness in her voice. "Bye Auggie, bye Jack," she said as she turned away. Jack had confusion written all over his face and I was this close to slapping him. Auggie and I rolled our eyes as we dragged Jack upstairs.

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I don't know what came over me. Hearing that Jack had a girlfriend, it was like a kick in the stomach. It just bothered me that Jack had a girlfriend I guess. We hadn't kept in contact since I left for Hollywood to star in several movies. 

I wanted to call him, my heart ached for his company, but Mum and Dad didn't want me holding on to my old life. "You'll make new friends in Hollywood, good friends", they'd told me. I believed them, at the gullible and naive age of 9. 

I didn't ask for Jack's home number again, never once emailing him or calling him as I didn't know his number. He never called or texted either, so I assumed he was busy. 

After about 4 years in Hollywood and becoming famous, I told my parents I wanted to move home. I made such a fuss and complained about Hollywood life so often that they reluctantly agreed. 

They'd never sold the apartment we used to live in, so we moved back in. And of course, the first person I saw, was Jack, except he'd changed. He was leaner, more muscular now, his blonde hair combed in such a way that it dangled in front of his eyes. He looked up and his shaggy hair bounced up. 

His sky blue eyes locked onto my eyes and it was like my insides melted. Jack wasn't baby cute anymore, he was like cute-cute now. He'd gotten a lot hotter over the 4 years. I smiled at him and his smile made me blush. 

He was so perfect, so cute, but there was one problem. He had a girlfriend. I was too late. I resisted the urge to look back and ran towards the moving truck. I grabbed a box of my things, grabbed my backpack and ran upstairs. I couldn't take this anymore.


I was in my old room again, the one that faced Jack's. I put up my curtains which I found in one of the boxes in my room. As I put them up, I looked in Jack's room. His curtains weren't drawn, and he was laughing and chatting with Summer and August. 

He looked up and caught my eye. I smiled weakly and he waved back. He held up a hand saying 'wait' as he ran towards his bed. He crawled under and grabbed his giant whiteboard. He turned on his phone and a flash of light appeared. 

He flashed the light four times quickly, before pausing for a second then flashing the light quickly twice. I understood immediately, it was morse code for 'hi', our signal to start chatting. I nodded and ran towards the giant box in my room which contained my whiteboard which I'd insisted my parents keep. 

I pulled out my marker too as I watched Jack scribble on his board as Summer and Auggie watched him. He held it up when he'd finished and I squinted to read the words. 'froyo? Without my gf I promise', his bold handwriting read. 

'I'd go anywhere, as long as you're there', I replied. 'Today? Before I meet Charlotte', he wrote. 'Now?' I asked. He didn't write anything but nodded. I smiled back and drew the curtains, signalling end of conversation. 

I was wearing an off-shoulder white top and denim shorts, which I thought were okay so I grabbed my drawstring bag with my phone and grabbed my purple leather notebook. I brushed my hair one last time, letting it hang down and skipped out my room. I ran downstairs and walked out the door, I didn't bother telling my parents. 

They wouldn't want me hanging around Jack, but I wanted to. As I walked out, Jack, Summer and Auggie stood outside waving. "Shall we?" Summer asked and I smiled. Summer linked her arm through mine and we chatted as we walked. Jack and Auggie hung back and talked too, shoving each other and laughing as they walked. 

I missed this feeling.

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