『 8 』

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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»


confessions and cute dates



I had just left my house and was leaving my apartment block when I saw Reid standing outside my block. He was carrying his bag, a single rose in his hand. "Hey, Summer," he said softly. He avoided eye contact, so I could tell he was nervous. "Hey," I replied, smiling at him. He looked so cute today, in his 'save the sharks' T-shirt and jeans. He shuffled his converse sneakers on the ground, another sign of nerves. I immediately became very self-conscious of my pink sweater and black leggings, regretting that I hadn't changed. "You look nice today," Reid said sheepishly. "Thanks..." I said,"You too." "WHo's the rose for?" I blurted out.I was really curious, I had to know, but I was shocked that I'd been so impulsive. "For my...crush," Reid stammered,"I decided to confess to her before it's too late." "Does she stay here too?" I asked. The second the words slipped out my mouth I realised who his crush was. Reid liked me... "Um, Yea..." Reid said awkwardly. "Does she have brown hair?" I teased. "Yea," she said. "Is her name also the name of a season?" "Yea." "And is she..." Reid cut me off by pressing his lips against mine. Before I could even react, it was over. He pulled away and just said two words. Those two words made me leap into his arms. "She is," He said.


When Reid and I were approaching Jack's apartment complex, we saw a guy and a girl running along the sidewalk. 

The guy's blonde hair bounced up and down as he chased the girl, who golden curls sparkled in the sunlight. Her hair bounced too as she ran away from him, a basket in her left hand as she sped down the sidewalk. 

The boy had a guitar case on his back, his backpack hung in front of him. As they approached us, we realised it was Jack and Kalani. "Hey, guys!" Reid called. Kalani stopped running to wave and Jack swiftly caught up with her. He scooped her up and she giggled. 

"NO! Stop!" She said, squirming and struggling to get out of his grasp. "Where were you guys?" I asked. They stayed in this apartment complex after all, and Jack loved sleeping in, so I wasn't expecting him to get up. 

"Yea Jack, I thought you loved your beauty sleep," Reid added and Jack shoved him. "Kalani and I went to grab breakfast," he said. "We had a picnic, just like old times," Kalani said, pointing to her basket. Kalani saw the rose in my hand and cooed, "Ooh, Summer's got a boyfriend." Jack shot a cheeky glance at Reid who blushed and I smiled. 

"Jackie why can't you do something romantic like that for me?" Kalani said,pouting at Jack. "Hey, don't be like that. I did something really sweet today okay, I got up at 8am for you," Jack replied and Reid and I laughed. 

Kalani made a face and he kissed her lips lightly. "Hey, I was just teasing,"He said. Kalani smiled at him and was about to say something when a familiar voice said, "No PDA guys come on!" I turned around and saw Auggie running up the sidewalk with his mom. 

"Mom, you can go now, I'm old enough to handle myself." Mrs Pullman rolled her eyes at him and said, "I want to drop by as well, say hi to the Wills." 

"Hey Mrs p, my mum and dad aren't home today, they went to watch a movie with Jaime," Jack said. "Hey Jack, hey Summer, hey Reid." Mrs p greeted all of us. Kalani smiled at her and waved. "This is Kalani, she just moved back," I said and Mrs P waved to her too. "Weren't you on tv?" Mrs P asked. 

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