『 11 』

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terrifying truths and turn of events



The movie ended shortly after Kalani had slipped away. As the credits began to roll, I looked for her and saw her sitting on the couch next to Auggie. She was laughing at something he'd said, beaming at him. Auggie was chuckling too, his eyes on her. 

I felt a tinge of jealousy as I watched them laugh and joke around together. I felt remorseful the second I felt the jealousy. I shouldn't be jealous, I thought to myself, Auggie and I were friends, he knew how much she meant to me, he wouldn't do that. 

I turned away from them and my gaze landed on Bianca, who was staring at me. She motioned for me to sit with her and I hesitated. I looked at Kalani, who had stopped laughing and was watching me closely. 

She shook her head slightly and I nodded, moving from the beanbag to the couch. My back was facing Bianca, but I could feel her brown eyes staring at me as I made my way to Kalani's side. 

I sat by Kalani and she inched away from Auggie to lean on me. I swear, that for a second, Auggie's face was green with envy. I blinked, startled, but saw that Auggie had regained his composure. 

You're just paranoid, you told Kalani not to be jealous, you shouldn't either. I kept my eyes on her as she grabbed the remote and scrolled through more titles before stopping abruptly.

"I gotta go get ready for Savannah's party," Kalani said, "I haven't packed yet." 

"I'll go with you," Summer offered and they left before I could follow. Bianca didn't hesitate and bounced over to my side. Zoe plopped next to Auggie and talked to him, twirling her hair around her finger. 

"So, you guys going to Savannah's party?" Bianca asked, leaning onto my shoulder. I inched away, uncomfortable with her lack of understanding of personal space. 

"Uh yeah, you know Savannah?" I asked, still leaning away from her and wriggling my arm away from her grasp. 

"She's my cousin, she invited Zoe and I too, since we're both starting Beecher this year," Bianca replied as she continued to grab onto my arm. "Great..." I said. Kalani was not going to be pleased when she found out. 

"Bianca, can you back off?" I asked bluntly. She looked like I'd slapped her in the face but replied calmly, "Why? I thought you were enjoying yourself," 

"No, not really. Kalani's way hotter than you."

"That's all that matters? Looks? I could top her easily with makeup," she replied snottily.

"Nah, you'll need more than make up on the outside. Maybe you should try eating some so you'll be pretty on the inside too."

Bianca looked hurt by my snide comment but I couldn't care less. I honestly didn't really care if I was being rude to her, I didn't like her at all, even as a friend. If she made Kalani uncomfortable, she was as good as dead to me. 

"I think I'll go to my room and pack, Reid, Auggie, come with?" I asked, trying to get away from Bianca. "Stay with me," she pouted. "No," I said flatly and I walked off. Bianca tried to follow us but I slammed the door in her face and locked the door. 

"See yourselves out," Reid shouted and I stifled a laugh as I heard Bianca huff and the front door slammed shut. "Nutcase," Auggie commented and we burst out laughing. "I'm gonna go check on Lani, make sure she's okay," I said before slipping out the door and towards Lani's apartment.

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Kalani's room was amazing !! Although there weren't many decorations up yet and the room wasn't properly furnished yet, it already looked amazing. 

Turns out her parents really doted on her, they'd set up part of her room already. Her room was painted sky blue and looked like it was straight out of the ocean. 

The floor was painted like the seabed and many detailed aquatic animals were painted. There were turtles, fishes, coral reefs and more, it was astounding! "I like nature, especially the ocean," Kalani said as she smiled when catching me in awe. 

"Jack and I used to go to the beach almost every weekend together. We'd spend hours on end splashing in the clear waters, chasing after fishes we'd never catch," Kalani smiled upon reminiscing her past with Jack. 

The sky blue walls had sandy turfs painted along the bottom, white clouds along the top and palm trees stretching from bottom to top. The tinted windows were a shade of aquamarine as the sun streamed in, causing the beautiful glass water lily windchimes hanging from Kalani's ceiling.

"For someone who just moved in, your room looks gorgeous!" I adored her room, saying it was gorgeous was an understatement. "I guess so, I mean it's always been like this. my parents must've been trying to make it up to me," Kalani said nonchalantly. "Make what up to you?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me. 

"For fighting a lot, I assumed in the past. Maybe also because I never wanted to go to Hollywood, I never wanted to be famous. They did my room up nicely and told me once I made it big, we could come home. I've had a grudge against my parents ever since, for making me move there. They realised how it affected me after I'd received death threats online and have been trying to make it up to me ever since." Her eyes shone with tears as she spoke. 

"Oh, that must've been hard, sorry for asking," I apologised. "It's okay, I've got to face reality. It happened, it's just the facts," she shrugged as she grabbed Jack's hoodie and placed it in her duffel bag along with a white T-shirt and black tights to sleep in. 

She emptied her backpack to grab her phone and notebook which she also placed inside. She grabbed her rose-gold headphones as well before zipping the bag shut. "All done," she declared and she climbed up her bunk bed. Her bed wasn't really a bunk bed, it was a bed on stilts, her study table below it. I climbed up to join her, but she didn't seem as bubbly. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, worried about my friend. She let out a deep breath before ranting about how Bianca had been not-so-subtly flirting with Jack and he hadn't shut her down yet, making her feel uncomfortable. 

I felt bad as I listened to her speak. I'd been so wrapped up with talking to Reid that I hadn't noticed Kalani struggling. 

"I'm sure Jack will do it soon, you know he loves you right?" 

"I thought I did, I was really convinced I did," she said. I noticed an afro appear in the doorway. It's Jack Will of course. He locked eyes with me but I mouthed 'be quiet' so he stayed there instead of rushing in. 

Kalani didn't notice our little exchange so she continued talking. "Maybe...maybe we're not meant for each other. Maybe he doesn't love me," she said, defeat in her voice. 

I looked at Jack, whose face turned a ghostly white as his hands covered his face. He sprinted off and I resisted the urge to scream at him. 

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