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schemes and summer



Kalani's such a great friend. Although we just met, she had a great sense of humour, she was really sweet. She and I instantly clicked and we shared a love for writing. She also told me about embarrassing things Jack had done last time, causing me to burst out laughing. I also noticed how her eyes lit up when she spoke about him or called him by his childhood nickname. I couldn't resist so I asked her once we were a safe distance away from the boys. 

"Do you like Jack?" I asked. "Of course, he's my best friend," she replied," we wouldn't be friends otherwise." "No, I meant more than friends, like as a crush," I said cheekily. Kalani laughed and said," I'll tell you my crush if you tell me yours," She said, sticking her tongue out at me. 

"Fine," I agreed grudgingly. "I like this guy in school called Reid Kingsley. He's really cute and he's really sweet. We've become pretty good friends lately and Jack and Auggie think he likes me too." 

I took out my phone and showed her a photo of Reid and I from last year's graduation ceremony, where I'd convinced him to take a picture with me. 

"He's pretty cute," she said. "He's mine!" I said, pouting. "Yea I know, he's not really my type. He looks like the smart, cute kid type, not exactly my type." She replied, pushing me. "Then what's your type? Jack?" I said mischievously. 

"I don't really have a specific type, I just love someone with a big heart. Good looks? They're just a bonus," she said laughing. "Who's your crush? Some bigshot Hollywood actor?"I said, shoving her as she giggled. 

"Ugh you sound like my parents, expecting me to enjoy fame. I hate it, wherever I go there's paparazzi." i was about to bring up now, but I spotted a cameraman behind a tree and looked at Kalani, who rolled her eyes. 

"So, no celeb crushes?" I asked and she rolled her eyes again. "Nope, my heart belongs to a simple commoner," she said mockingly. "Who? Who? Do I know this person?" I asked excitedly. 

"Yea, is it that obvious I like Jack?" She said softly, turning around to glance at Jack who was wearing a blue hoodie over a white T-shirt with blue stripes and jeans. He winked at her and i saw the tips of her ears turn red. 

"He looks so cute," she gushed. "Yea, it's obvious," I said, laughing. She blushed and giggled as she took out her phone to show me baby pictures of Jack and her. There were photos of jack carrying her, him kissing her on the cheek under a tree, them sitting under a tree together; he weaving a crown of flowers for her as she lay on his lap with her eyes shut, and more. 

"Aww, you guys are so cute!" I said, pointing to a photo of jack splashing water at her. "Yea," she said," but the past is the past. He's moved on, and I should too." She turned off her phone and changed the topic immediately. 

"See that tree? It's beautiful! I love nature!" 

"Yea," I said. I wanted to ask her about Jack, but I decided against it. Although she said he was over her, if he was ever into her, I could tell he wasn't. It wasn't just the way she looked at him, but the way he looked at her. 

Their eyes had a special way of saying 'I love you'. Even if both of them couldn't say that to each other, their eyes did it for them.

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