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author's note:

hello and welcome back to one of the many late night updates on this fanfic !

yes, if you're wondering, my creative juices only flow in the middle of the night :D I have a weird body clock and sleep cycle

on a more positive note, ahhh ! I can't believe there's like 1.2k reads on this story !! thanks so much to all of you for blowing this story up and voting on it ! 

leave more votes and comments if you liked it !

now onto the story XD

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apologies and admission



"So..." I stammered nervously.

It was really hard not to be nervous, what, with Kalani's eyes locked on mine the entire time. Just looking into her eyes made my broken heart melt as I remembered how badly I hurt her. I did this, I put that sadness in her eyes. 

"Why would you do this? Ask me to play this, I mean," Kalani demanded. "Okay okay, relax. Let's make a deal. Every question you ask me I get to ask you one in return until the seven minutes are up," I said.

"Wait, isn't seven minutes in heaven that weird game where you have to kiss? I don't know, I haven't really been to a lot of parties with games like these," Kalani asked. "Yea...but I'm pretty sure you're kinda mad at me so..."

"If that's the rules then...do I have a choice?" Kalani replied. "I wouldn't want to pressurize you, Kalani. If you don't want to, we don't have to. We can just say we did so we won't be harassed by Savannah and Henry," I tried to assure her.

"I guess so, we'll see if we have time I guess," Kalani finally replied.

"So, in answer to your earlier question, I asked you to play because I wanted to talk to you without you running away from me," I said. "Your turn," Kalani said after nodding her head. "Will you ever forgive me?" I gathered my courage to ask.

"Maybe one day, I don't think it'll be any time soon honestly. I mean, you really hurt me, Jacky," Kalani answered softly. "I know and I'm sorry," I apologised profusely but she didn't regard my apology. Instead, she followed up with another question. 

"Why did you kiss Bianca?" 

Okay, she just jumped right in. Fun. 

"Uhhh..." I wasn't very sure how to respond. "I don't know honestly. Just to let you know, I didn't kiss her back. I didn't push away, I guess, because I was kinda stunned. Plus, I did hear you say that you didn't actually love me and stuff and I guess Bianca just showed up at the time so like...yea you get the point," I tried to explain lamely.

She nodded before gesturing for me to ask my question. "Do you actually have feelings for me?" I asked sheepishly. She paused for a while, averting her gaze from mine. Under the dim glow of the flickering light bulb, I could barely see the tips of her ears turning red and her cheeks flushed. 

"I thought I did, I was sure. But now, I don't even know what that feeling is anymore," she admitted finally. 

"I guess it's like seeing the person and your heart just beats like a mile a minute or it just soars and you're like on Cloud Nine. That feeling with like the butterflies fluttering around your stomach for ages when you just lock eyes with that person," I tried to elaborate the exact feeling I was experiencing just by looking at the girl sitting inches away from me.

"So...are you feeling it now?" Kalani was blushing profusely as she spoke. "Yea, I am. Just looking at you makes my heart beat out of my chest. And like...I can't even talk I'm still stuttering even after knowing you almost my whole life. I should be used to talking to you but...I've been like crushing on you and I guess that some things don't ever change."

We sat in silence for a while as Kalani quietly slid over to my side. I put my arm around her instinctively as she curled up beside me. To my surprise and happiness, she didn't flinch as she grabbed my other hand and held it. We just stayed that way, enjoying each others' company, as if not talking would get rid of all the problems revolving around us. 

"Kalani...what will it take for you to forgive me?" I asked after a while. She shifted her body out of my arms gently as she locked eyes with me before speaking.

"Prove to me that you really do love me," she said quietly. 

Before I could ask anything about what that meant, we could hear someone trying to open up the door. Kalani leaned forward and in a split second, planted a quick kiss on my lips.

As the door flew open and my eyes were adjusting to the light, I saw Kalani mouth 'prove it' at me before returning to her earlier seat.

Prove it, I thought to myself. 

And I knew just how.

"Hey Savannah, do you think we could stop playing for a while? There's something I gotta do, like right now. It's really urgent," I asked. "Sure, Jack," she answered, looking at me expectantly. 

"So, I...I uh...wrote this song and I'd like all of y'all to hear it," I tried to sound confident as I tried not to look at Kalani. I could feel all their eyes on me, even hers, as I spoke. "About anyone in particular?" I could feel Summer's smirk as she spoke.

"Yea, a really special girl who I really need to say sorry to," I said. I looked up as I slung my guitar over my shoulder just to catch her lilac eyes fall on me. Her eyes said whatever she couldn't say. For me, they seemed to question. 

I nodded ever so discreetly, just to let her know that yea, it was about her. If it wasn't obvious already. 

I started to strum slowly, taking a deep breath before starting to sing.

Dear god, please let it not be too late. I need to win back my girl.

She's the only girl I love.

Please tell me it's not too late. 

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author's note:

hope yall liked it ! short af update but it's super late rn where I am so please deal with shitty plotline and probably horrendous english ! 

leave a vote and a comment if you'd like more ! it means a lot to see yall enjoying my stories (especially this one LOL it's most popular)

also, I've been thinking about branching out of fanfictions and maybe writing some original stories. I have some drafts and stuff so if yall would like to see that, please tell me !

love yall <3

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