『 12 』

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Author's note:

This part of the story has a little bit of self-harm and it may be a little gory for some, so skip this part if you're uncomfortable with this topic. If you're not, read on !! I'll warn you down below when the self harm starts if you still want to read this part.

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»


treachery and torturous pain



I was crushed. I thought Kalani loved me wholeheartedly and believed in me. In us. Nope, apparently, she's been faking it this whole time. She doesn't really love me, she literally confessed to Summer that she doesn't. 

Tears streaming down my face, I ran towards my apartment but was stopped when I collided with a girl. "Sorry," I mumbled and looked up. It was none other than Bianca, man that girl wouldn't leave me alone. 

"Hi Jack," she said flirtatiously before noticing my tear-stained face. "What happened to you?" She asked, her voice full of concern. 

Despite not trusting her, all I needed at that moment was someone to talk to. Without hesitation, I blurted out what I'd heard Kalani say to Summer as I continued to sob. 

"If she doesn't love you, there are others girls who would do anything for you," Bianca whispered as she used her sleeve to wipe away my tears. Without warning, she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. 

I was too shocked to resist, but I didn't kiss her back either. I was only jolted back to reality when a familiar voice stammered. 

"Jack, what's going on?" I jumped away from Bianca, pushing her so hard that she stumbled. "Nothing..." I tried to explain but she cut me off. 

"It's been a day and you're already cheating? Unbelievable," she said softly, a single tear rolling down and splashing her shoe. "It isn't what it seems," I tried to explain before I retorted, "You're one to talk, you don't even love me!" She gasped and stuttered, "What?" 

"I heard what you said to Summer, why didn't you tell me? You played me and strung me along this whole time, making me fall deeper in love with you. You should've told me!" I screamed in an accusatory tone. 

"I wasn't sure if I did, but I was running out now to tell you I do! I was here to tell you that I was sorry for being so paranoid 'cause I know now that you'd never cheat on me or hurt me. Turns out I was wrong," she said, her voice barely a whisper. 

Wait, what? Oh god, I just messed up. 

"Wait, I can explain," I called after her as she ran back to her apartment with Summer. Reid and Auggie heard the commotion and had come out as well. 

Reid followed Summer anxiously, Auggie hesitating before slipping past the door just before it slammed shut. 

"Have fun with Bianca!" Kalani shouted bitterly from her apartment. Hearing the defeat and hurt in her voice broke my heart, I had caused that. I promised that I'd never hurt her, look what I did. I pounded on the door, begging Kalani to let me in.

I stopped pounding as I heard someone breathing heavily on the other side. "Please..." I called, "Let me fix it." 

"You've already messed it all up, leave me alone," she replied coldly. I wait for more but she's gone. I ran into my apartment, slamming the door on Bianca who had tried to follow. I bolted into my room and grabbed my whiteboard. 

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