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central park and chaos



I was so stupid, I shouldn't have let things escalate, I should've cut it off right there. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me towards the park, where I found Lani sitting under a tree, her hands on her face, her knees pulled close as she sat in a fetal position. 

I ran up to her and sat beside her. I put my arms around her and she looked up, surprised. "Aren't you supposed to be with your girlfriend?" She said icily. 

"That's cold, but I guess I deserve it". I said. I tried to hold her hand but she backed away as if touching me would cause her to contract a contagious disease. "Guess?" She asked, the same coldness in her tone. 

"Okay I know I deserved it," I said,"I broke up with Charlotte, I don't like her. I like you, Lani. Please. The real reason I dated her...was 'cause she looked like you. I couldn't get over you, I really like you." I looked into her eyes, her gorgeous blue eyes that I'd fallen for. 

"For me?" She asked, staring at me. "No, for the other girl I chased to the park," I said, trying to make her smile. She smiled weakly and continued staring at me. "Why me? Why not any other girl? Girls seem to really like you..." She trailed off, obviously thinking of the Froyo shop and dumb Ellie. 

"I don't really have feelings for any of them, and besides, you're way prettier," I said, kissing her cheek. She blushed and asked," So you're more of a shallow guy? Just my looks?" She said and she narrowed her eyes at me. 

"I wasn't finished. I was definitely attracted by your looks at first but..." Before I could finish, she stood up and turned away, about to walk off. I stood up as well and grabbed her arm. 

"I fell for your looks, but I fell deeper for the inside. You're amazing, kind and sweet, beautiful inside and out. I really like you, I hope you believe me." When I finished, she stopped struggling to leave and turned back to stare at me. 

"Really?" she asked softly. She brushed my hand off but held it with her own. We stood there, staring into each other's eyes. This is it Jack, I thought to myself. I gathered my courage and pulled her close. She looked surprised but she let me pull her close. 

"Really," I said and lifted her up slightly so she was tiptoeing. I pulled her even closer and her lips locked on mine. She didn't pull away, instead she put her arms around my neck and placed my hands around her waist. She broke away after a while and I followed her face, trying to kiss her. "I need to breathe dummy," she said, laughing. 

"Okay," I laughed as well. "Did you ... like it?" I asked sheepishly. "Yea, better than seeing you kiss that blonde girl," she said, smiling. "Besides, you're really cute. I like you too," she continued, ruffling my hair. 

"Hey..." I said, pushing her away. She pretended to be hurt and I kissed her forehead. "All better," I said softly. She nodded and tiptoed to kiss my cheek. We walked back towards the froyo shop, my arm around her as she leaned on my shoulder. Everything was perfect now, I thought to myself. I'd finally gotten the girl...


When we reached the froyo store, the bell rung and all heads turned towards us. The popular clique stared at us and I squeezed Kalani. She looked up and smiled at me. My arm was still around her protectively. Miles, Amos and Henry stared at Kalani. 

"She's so hot!" "Hey! I called dibs!" "She's mine, idiots!" the three of them bickered and I saw Kalani blush. Savannah and Ximena came up to us. 

"So this is who you dumped Charlotte for? I can see why..." Savannah said as she eyed Kalani curiously. "Hey, welcome to Beecher prep in advance. I'm Savannah and this is Ximena," Savannah introduced them and Ximena waved. 

"Hey, I'm Kalani," Kalani said, waving at them. "Wanna sit with us?" Ximena offered. Kalani looked up at me and said, " No thanks, I've got plans with Jack, Auggie and Summer. You're welcome to join us though, the more the merrier," Kalani said nicely.

"Awesome! I need to catch up with Summer!" Ximena said as she ran back to her table to grab her frozen yogurt. Amos stood up and followed her, as did Miles, and they glared each other. Clearly, they both liked Ximena. 

They both followed her to Summer and Auggie's table. They sat down and began a lively conversation. "Actually, I think Henry and I gotta bounce, see you in school on Monday!" Savannah said. She ran back to their table. 

Henry had cleared their trash and Savannah kissed his cheek. SHe slipped her hand through his and they left together. Henry waved at me and Savannah waved at Kalani. She passed her an invitation and said, "Come to my back-to-school sleepover tomorrow? It's gonna be a blast, you can sleep over! Jack, you can come too if you want." 

"Sure," I said. They left and Lani and I made our way towards Summer and Auggie. "Jack! Over here!" Auggie called me. 

I grabbed Lani a chair and we both sat down. "So, what did we miss?" Lani asked them. "More like what did we miss?" Summer said cheekily and I blushed profusely. Kalani glared at Summer who simply laughed. 

Before I could retort, Reid walked over. "Here Summer, one vanilla yoghurt with chocolate sauce and rainbow sprinkles, just the way you like it." Kalani raised her eyebrows and Summer glared at her. 

"Now who's getting the last laugh?" I said and Summer punched me. Reid handed it to her and said, "My treat, Summer." He turned to walk away but Summer got up and stopped him. "Thanks for the treat, Reid." She tiptoed and kissed his cheek, which made Reid blush. 

"Come sit with us," Kalani offered. Summer dragged him along and we sat. We all chatted and laughed, but then someone interrupted us. "You miss me?" A familiar voice called. We turned and Summer gasped as the rest of us stared.

It was Julian Albans.

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