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author's note:

hello and welcome back ! if it's not obvious by now this fanfic is basically dedicated to shawn mendes music HAHA (from this and Never Be Alone in the prologue hehe)

it's kinda an easter egg for a friend of mine, love you mermaid xx

okay I'm not exactly like 100% a Shawn fan but hey it's easier to use his songs as I listen to more songs by female artists than male (oops) so he's one of the few male artists I enjoy listening to that can help me elevate this fanfic

i'm just using the song for this chapter (pretending it's by Jack oops) so yea you'll understand as you read on

However, if you've read my other works (particularly the Victorious one) you'd know that I like incorporating music into my fanfics

I only do this because I really enjoy listening and sometimes, writing music. Having already developed characters and situations to base off in fanfics allows me to have less on my plate and be able to add in extra elements like bringing in suitable music to give my stories that extra something to them

well, it's not a must for you to listen to the songs, if you're wondering. These are merely songs at the top of my head or songs I'm listening to while writing (which was Roses in this case while I was writing the earlier parts)

these songs are just simply a bonus as I enjoy sharing with you some of my personal favourites. i may not be a huge Shawn Mendes fan (not as huge as Ariana, Liz or Lucy) but his songs, especially these and the rest from Illuminate have got to be some of the best songs

if you like this type of music + song duos, you should check out my other story (the Victorious x Bade fanfic I mentioned earlier) 

there's more music there and I'm currently crafting a playlist for that story so go check it out if you'd like to / while waiting for me to slowly update this !

okay enough of this introductory stuff, let's get on with the story !

also, just one last note, I won't be able to update this very often as I'm going through a lot right now from getting ready for the next school year to lots of drama at home and on social media right now so I'm trying my best to update but the updates might be even slower

specifically, they'll be slower on this story as I don't have any pre-written chapters here (whereas I do have some for my Victorious fanfic as I've been writing that for a while now) so if you want more chapters, please do be patient ! 

i'll update as soon as possible xoxo

(sorry for the long note, just wanted to keep yall posted)

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last chance and love yous


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