『 13 』

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Author's Note:

OMG thanks for 600 reads, this is my most popular story :D Sorry for super slow updates, I have this thing called school that's taking up 101% of my brain capacity and EOYs are not helping. Go check out other stuff if you're waiting for my super inconsistent updates, I have other stories :D

Okay enough self-promo, let's move on

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»


rumours and rage



I carried my sleeping bag and my duffel bag as I walked down the street with Summer and Reid. Summer lived along the way to Reid's house, so we were all headed there together. I let Summer and Reid walk ahead of me as they were snuggled up together, giggling softly as they walked. 

I logged onto my Instagram account, my phone instantly hanging with the insane amount of comments on my latest post. I posted a picture of myself, a selfie I'd taken in our barely furnished apartment. 

I didn't know why people were going crazy. I scrolled through the comments, wondering about the commotion. 



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liked by @gaberoberts@iamjackwill and 991,724 others

@kalaniwinters new york city is always gonna be home <3

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@kalaniwintersfan: Who's that boy you were kissing in Central Park?

@kalaniisbae: Who's your boyfriend?

@istankalani: DId you move back to NYC to be together with your boyfriend? 


What? I didn't understand anything I was reading. What kiss? What boyfriend? The only guy I ever kissed recently was...oh my god. Jack. Someone took a picture. 

I did a quick google search for 'Kalani Winters kiss' and sure enough, almost every single teen website was writing about a mysterious boy I was kissing. I clicked on the first link, mentally bracing myself for the stupid article that was to follow. 

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