『 7 』

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first moves and forming bonds



I was in Jack Will's apartment, sitting on the couch as we watched a movie. Jack let Kalani choose, of course, and being a girl, she said that she wanted to choose a sappy romantic movie. 

However, to please Jack, she chose one with action and violence too. Of course, she chose The Hunger Games. 

Auggie, Summer and I were sitting on the couch, Summer in the centre leaning towards me as Auggie sat on the extreme right. Just in front of the couch was a beanbag. There were two beanbags but Kalani and Jack either didn't see it or didn't care. Kalani was curled up on Jack's lap, her head leaning on his shoulder. 

Jack had one arm around her, the other holding onto a bowl of popcorn. Kalani put her hand into the bowl and scooped out a handful of popcorn, which she fed to Jack. I wanted Summer to do that to me, but I didn't know if she liked me in that way. I wish she'd give me like a sign.

"Ew Summer, why do you like Gale? Peeta's so cute!" Kalani asked. "'Cause Gale's hot!" Summer said, laughing. "Lani, is Peeta cuter than me?" Jack asked jokingly. Kalani didn't respond, she just kissed his cheek. 

"I'll take that as a 'no', "Auggie said, pretending to gag. We all laughed and focused on the movie. When Katniss and Peeta kissed, I couldn't help but think, would Summer do that for me? Is that how I'd get the girl? Under Pressure? Maybe at Savannah's party...I thought. Or maybe, I should make the first move, let the party make things official.

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I could get used to movie marathons with the gang. 

Kalani, Summer, Auggie, Reid, this was the perfect movie squad. Kalani and I were all curled up and they didn't really mind, that was pretty cool beans. Kalani started to get up but I held her back. "I wanna pee, Jackie, let me go," Kalani whined. I rolled my eyes and let her go. "So, Y'all going to Savannah's back-to-school Party? It's supposed to be huge, but invite-only," Reid asked. "I'm not going, my mum doesn't want me at a party just before school starts," Auggie said, shrugging."Summer, Jack, you going?" I asked. "Yea, my mum allowed me as long as I pack my bag tonight!" Summer said excitedly. "I might drop by, if Kalani goes," I said, looking down the hall to see if Lani had come out. Kalani stepped out of the bathroom, pushing a strand of hair to the side of her face. She saw me staring and asked, "What? Do I have something in my face?" I laughed as she stared at me in confusion. "Nothing, I just think you look really hot," I replied, pulling her back down. She giggled and curled up again. Auggie pretended to gag again as Summer and Reid chuckled.


After we watch the first movie, Summer got a call from her mother. "I should bounce, Y'all wanna finish the other two tomorrow? Let's meet here again at around 1, then after we finish we can go to Savannah's party." Summer suggested. 

"I'll get my parents to order some pizza in? Pepperoni okay?" I offered. "Sweet!" Auggie said, "I'll ask my parents." "Same, thanks for having us," Reid said as he got up. "See you guys tomorrow, nice meeting you Kalani!" Reid said, grabbing his jacket and heading out. 

"You too," Kalani called. Summer waved goodbye and followed Reid. Auggie said, "You guys are all disgusting," and he pointed at Summer and Reid, who were laughing and once again, did his famous gag-me-now gesture. Kalani laughed and I rolled my eyes. 

"See you tomorrow, Jack. Take good care of him, Kalani," Auggie said and he left. "I should go," Kalani said, "give me your number?" 

"Sure," I said, she handed me her phone and I looked at her home-screen. "Hey, that's us, the day before you left," I said. It was a picture of us sitting under a big tree in Central Park, next to the pond. I had my guitar in hand, her mouth was open. We spent our last day together singing some tunes. 

"Yea," she said, blushing. I typed my number in and passed her her phone. "Text you tonight?" I asked. "I'd love that," she said and she kissed my cheek. "Bye!" she said as she slipped on her sneakers. "Omg!" she said, running back. "Your hoodie!" 

"Keep it," I said, "you might get cold again." She smiled and left. I couldn't help but smile as I watched her head to her apartment across the hall. I really missed her a lot, I was ecstatic that she was back.


After dinner with Mum, Dad and my little brother Jaime, I sat in my room. I was sitting on my bed, my guitar on my lap as I strummed some chords on it. I hummed as I swayed with the rhythm. 

I liked guitar quite a lot, guitar was something Kalani and I shared before she moved to Hollywood and became famous. It was something that reminded me of my friendship with Kalani, back when we were best friends and were stuck together like glue. Now, I didn't really know what we were. 

I guess we were friends, but were we more than friends? I hadn't officially 'asked her out' or anything, but we knew we liked each other, so what did that make us? Were we dating, a couple, or were we just friends? I looked up, through my window and saw Kalani in her room. She was lying stomach-down on her bed, scribbling on a notebook. 

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and sent her a text, 'Look up'. I saw Kalani close her notebook and grab her phone. She looked at the phone before looking up. She saw me and my guitar and waved. My phone buzzed and a text from Kalani appeared.

'You free tomorrow? I see your guitar, wanna reminisce the good old days and sing some songs?' 'sure,' 'Tomorrow morning?'

'Sure, where?'

'The park, where we were on our last day?'

'How about we meet outside our apartment block at 10 am. We can grab breakfast if ya want. After that, we can go wherever ya want.'

'9 am.'

'Kay, good night, sleep tight.'

'Night :)'

I looked up at her and she looked up too. Our eyes locked and she smiled at me. I smiled back and picked up my copy of 'The Hunger Games, Catching Fire'. I wanted to reread the book before watching the movie tomorrow with the gang. 

Every now and then, I'd look up from my book and I'd see Kalani dancing around her room. She would be stretching, leaping or even practising her turns. Sometimes, I'd catch her mouthing words as she swayed to the beat of a song. 

I smiled, I couldn't help it. It was just like the good old days, I really missed those days, and it was almost like they were back now. Let's hope they were back for good.

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