『 10 』

718 11 10

Author's note:

Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'm dealing with a lot right now and I'm trying to get chapters out as fast as possible !! Hope you enjoy, sorry it's not very good...

«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»


tensions and turns



Catching up with Kalani was cool, but there was a strange tension in the air. Bianca kept looking at Kalani and Jack with green eyes, glaring at every time Jack made Kalani smile. Kalani's other friends, Summer, Reid and Auggie glared at Bianca, who seemed to be flirting with Jack. 

When Katniss kissed Peeta for the first time, she batted her eyelashes at Jack, who raised his eyebrows in confusion. He ignored Bianca's many attempts at flirting, barely glancing at her as she twirled her hair around her finger, giggling as she eavesdropped on Kalani and Jack's conversation. 

Summer cupped her hand around Auggie's ears as she whispered something which caused him to spit out his soda. Jack burst out laughing as Kalani giggled and got some towels. Auggie apologised profusely as he bent down to help Kalani clean up the soda spillage. 

He locked eyes with her as their hands met as they cleaned the mess. Kalani looked away and continued to clean but I noticed that Auggie's skin had flushed pink. 

I could tell from his expression that he liked her, but obviously, she only had eyes for his best friend, talk about awkward. 

I noticed Bianca still staring at Jack and had an idea. I really wanted to be friends with Bianca, this was the perfect time to prove to Bianca that I could be a great friend. I'd finally move up the social ranking and lose the title of 'weird nerd girl'. 

I'd be in a whole new social caste, wouldn't that be great? All I'd wanted since moving here a while back was to get approval from the popular kids. My old school didn't cater to my dyslexia, so my mum and dad got me to a new school, Beecher Prep. Beecher's a gret school for inclusivity, my mom said. 

Nothing mattered back in elementary school, when Jack, Kalani and I went to some simple school together. The kids there didn't used to make fun of me for my dyslexia, only when Kalani moved away and Jack started at Beecher with his full scholarship there did I start having problems.

I was alone, no friends to stand by me and defend me. People saw me as an easy target and often picked on me. I hated it so much I was on the verge of killing myself. Until my parents found out what had been going on. They didn't know how to help me with dyslexia even though they knew I had it since I was little. They couldn't afford to do anything about it so they tried to help me as much as they could. 

If it wasn't for the bullying going overboard, I don't think my parents would've even talked to my old school's principal and gotten referred to Beecher. The fees were exorbitant but they were greatly subsided by the school once they knew about our financial situation.

When I was going around for the school tour that was led by some teachers this time, I met Bianca. Bianca was starting there too, her mum was a new teacher there so we'd be starting in Beecher together. 

We weren't exactly friends, but we didn't know anyone else who was starting Beecher, so I guess that's why she invited me over.  I was startled as I heard a loud crash, waking me up from my thoughts. 

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