『 14 』

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Author's note:

you can skip this if you don't care about my updates on my sad life

Anyway, for people who care:

Hello people and sorry for this late update oops :/

Well EOYs are over yeman but results are coming and mine are not great :"

yall it's crazy that this has 0.7k reads already! It's barely even like three months old (It was first published around early June 2018LOL) so this is really amazinggg YAYZ i love all of you so much and tysm for all the support and votes! I love each and every one and all the sweet comments you leave! I'll try to update more often since it's gonna be holidays soon!

Anyway, enjoy this juicy chapter and I hope you like it and it was worth the wait! It's pretty long so enjoyyy ;D It might not be that great but it's barely edited soooo don't judge my horrendous spelling, disgusting grammar or terrible plotline. I'm on the way to failing english istg. I should really study more but I lack all motivation whatsoever.  Besides, I'm perfectly comfortable with being a failure at life, that's the only thing I can get perfect grades in; failing.

Anyway, no more wallowing in self-pity :) sorry for such a long note oops :/

On a side note though, I'm putting my failing grades up for adoption! I can't raise them myself so go ahead and take them from me thanks! Feel free to message me and I'll kindly donate them to you :) they come with free secondary school homework! 

Moving on from my sad life and...

On to the story :D

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paparazzi and promises



"This is literal bullshit!" I screamed in rage as Summer squeezed my hand in support. "Don't rage in public, you wouldn't want to give the paparazzi any more tea that they could spin," Reid said as he looked around nervously. 

"Clear," he said and Summer and I heaved a sigh of relief. We started to walk again, now pleased that no paparazzi were in sight. "Thank god, I'm so sick of this already," I muttered angrily. "Hey, I never knew being a ditzy pop star was so hard," Reid commented as Summer glared at him. 

"It's cool, Summer. Yea, fame is a real ass," I mumbled, clenching my fists. "Well, come on! You have time to let loose right? There's Savannah's party, you can meet new people, a new boyfriend even maybe," Summer waggled her eyebrows.

"I don't think so," I said quietly. Summer and Reid stopped dead in their tracks. "What do you mean, I don't think so? You don't want to go to Sav's party? Come on, you have to," Summer begged. "I mean I don't mind but...I don't think I'm ready to move on."

"But Lani you heard what he said. Plus, you saw what he did! He kissed that bitch!" Summer screeched. "Okay chill, hear her out. Jack's one of the most decent guys, Summer, give him a shot. He was your best friend anyway," Reid said calmly.

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