Chapter VII

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I need to put more effort into this story. It's just too cute to let go.

Zach and Nathan both went home for the Chrismas holidays. Nathan was going to his aunt where they had a family gathering and played some games. His Chrismas was quite good he got some presents wich was quite rare for his family, because all of his family members were poor and couldn't really afford big presents. He was happy after quite some time. The talk Zach and him had before the holidays helped. It didn't make him go back to his cheerful self, but it definity helped him.

His relatives saw that as well and asked him if he got a girlfriend, but he just said that his best friend is really nice to him and that they go on very well.

But for Zach his Chrismas didn't go as planned.

When he got home, everything looked normal. Dad was not home, mom was cooking dinner and his big sister sat on the kitchen counter and ate some cookies that his mom was making.

He missed them very much and they did a gripe hug. After that they all sat at the table together and ate dinner.

When Zach asked about his fater he got the same answer as always.
He was away for business. He never really knew what did father did. But it sure made a lot of money. Their house was really big with lots of rooms and decorations from all over the world. The house itself was probably worth more than he would ever make in his lifetime.

In the middle of the dinner the door bell rand and his mother checked who was there.

All three of them expected to see Zach's father at the door.

But at the door stood two police mad with bad news.

His father was dead. When he was driving home he slipped of the road because of the snow and a truck chushed the car completely. There was a videotape of the accident because it happened at the red light.

His father lost control over the car and just drowe straight towards the truck. It was visable that the truck driver dried to stop and go away but there was nothing he could do.

And Zach had one of the shitiest holidays he has ever had. The next day they planned the funeral and the following day they went to burry him.

Also not edited.

All the love xx, A

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