Chapter VI

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Be aware this chapter is going to be really fluffy.

"Wake up big boy."
Nathan was really tired, because Zach played basketball with some friends yesterday and Nathan cheered for him. His throat hurt because he was screaming Zach's name.

"I don't want to."
Zach lifted Nath's covers up and slid underneath them. It was warm and soft. Nathan's body was warm and smooth. He hugged him and buried his face in Nathan's hair. They smelled like man cologne and just freshness in general. The little hairs tickled his nose and he breathed in the smell.

"You need to get up, Jacob already went to school."
Zach mumbled into Nath's hair.

"Mmmmh...No, I don't want to go to school today we don't have any tests anyways."

"Then what do you have in mind for us to do?"

"We could just chill in bed and cuddle."

"Mmm, that sounds tempting, but no we have to go. C'mon you lazy ass."
Zach tried to get up, but Nathan got on top of him and prevented him from getting up.

"You are not going anywhere, big boy. You are staying here and entertaining me with cuddles."
Zach smiled fondly but then sheets slipped off of Nathan's torso and showed his abs and his scar that went from his collarbone to his belly.

"Where did you get that scar?"
Nathan's face got all serious all of a sudden.
Zach caressed it very tenderly and slowly with his fingertips. He was very careful not to hurt him by pressing to hard on the scar.

"It's a long story. Are you sure that you want to sit here and listen to it."
The light and fun mood was long forgotten.
Nathan was still sitting on Zach's lap. And his torso was on display.

"Please do enlighten me, princess."
Nathan blushed when Zach said that but quickly composed himself and started explaining the acident.

"It was summer. Actually it was almost the end of summer break. I got off my shift and went to this party that Jimmy and his friends threw. It was fun at first. You know the usual, dancing, getting drunk, making out and also doing stupid shit. And one stupid shit that happened was so stupid that got me in hospital.
I was dared to climb a tree, I think. I don't really remember much about that night. But I know that we played some stupid game and I ended up climbing the goddamn tree near the lake. It was pretty high, so was probably I. I wasn't really thinking straight so I fell off the tree. I wasn't sober so all my senses were dead by now and I didn't land pretty. I landed on some rocks near the lake. People were drunk so it took some time before someone called the police. I mean I don't blame them. They didn't know what they were doing. But the rest I don't remember. The only thing that I remember is that I was strapped to a hospital bed with people around me."
Zach didn't move much. He just stared at Nathan and circled him tumb on Nate's hip bones.

"Woow, I didn't expect it to be so dark. I think we are staying in today cuddling."
Nathan's forehead pressed against Zach's as they sat in silence. No words were needed. They just sat there listening to each others heart beat.

After a while Nath got tired and leaned so that his face got tucked into Zach's neck and he pushed him down. Afther that Nath fell asleep like that, on top of Zach listening to his breathing.

Not edited...

All the love xx, A

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