Chapter XI

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The alarm that Zach set went off and woke both of them up. Nathan wasn't used to be woken up like that. Zach would always come and cuddle him in the morning but now he was woken up by a screaming alarm clock.

Zach went to the toilet and did his own thing. Then he went back to the room and picked his things up and disappeared out of the sight.

Nathan felt that in his heart. It was Zach's idea to kiss, so why was he acting up now. Did Nathan do something wrong? Was he not supposed to kiss him? All of those things were running through Nathan's brain as he got dressed for school. He didn't really have any other friends than Zach. And now he was alone, Zach nowhere to be seen.

Nathan wanted to sit down next to Mary and Ines. They seemed like nice girls. They were talking about maths homework that they were working on yesterday.

"Hi." Nathan didn't know why he was so scared of meeting new people, but he had a good feeling about those two girls.

Ines gave him a big smile and said hi. Mary was seemingly shy, but Ines poked her with her elbow so she said hi as well. Nathan found it very adorable.

"Can I sit next to you guy?" He gave them one of his up to his ears smile with dimples and wrinkled under his eyes. Ines and Mary gave each other a look that he couldn't really make up and then Ines turned towards him.

"Sure, honey but where is Zach?" Nathan's expression changed in a split second and he just mumbled that he didn't know and sat down next to Mary. Just as Nathan sat down next to her, Zach came into the classroom and his eyes landed on the only empty seat left, next to Ines. This is going to be weird because the two poor girls would have to bear them staring at each other not particularly nice.

"Thank god that the teacher is not here yet, am I right,"

Zach tried to lighten the tension between all four of them. And Ines saw what was going on so she nodded.

"Did you do the math homework? You can copy mine."

Zach prepared a sheet of paper and Ines told him the answers and equations. He didn't really know what she was telling him, but he just got on with it. He just finished copying when the teacher came into the room.

The maths was pretty boring, but Ines and Mary were giving each other these weird look, but not like girls did when a boy sat down next to them, but... neither Zach or Nathan could read get them.

After Maths wall got a bit more weird, because Mary and Ines walked Zach and Nathen to the changing room and then went on to the girls changing room, so that they were left alone in front of boys changing room.

They each went to the opposite side of the room and changed there. Zach and Nathan were both also secretly looking at the other one.

Nathan looking at Zach's toned body and back muscles. And Zach looking at Nathan's white milky skin and soft hair.

But the luck was not on their as they had to go into pairs and the teacher told them to be together. They were playing basketball, not the usual game, but jumping and doing some acrobatics in pairs and then shoot into the basket.

Natah has done that a couple of times but he didn't want to hurt Zach during that, so he always started a lot later, leaving a lot of space between them. On the first couple of tried it worked, because Nathan still had a lot of energy and ran fast to catch up. But the more times they did it, to wors it got. And Zach saw what Nathan was doing and even tho he was mad at him, if he could say that, turned around and wanted to tell Nathan what to do. He firstly helped him get up.

"Nath, don't be scared, just run and then jump I will catch you if you fall."

I'm going to leave it here, and just for the record im on my period and during my writing Torn cover by 1D came up and now im crying. thanks guys.

Love xx, A

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