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"there you go," yugyeom place an orange-flavoured soda on the desk of jungkook's, who is busy doing his overdue schoolwork, due to not coming to school for weeks, and having no motivations at all on doing it even though he would get it all through yerim, who brought his schoolwork to him everyday.

"thanks," he says, a little too quickly, as he continued to scribble down answers on his math worksheet, hoping to get it done before math lesson. the next lesson is literally math lesson.

yugyeom sat on the table next to his as he took sips of his own drink, "jeon, its the last day of the month."

"and?" he asked, not getting the hint at all, maybe because he was currently too occupied in attempt to get his math worksheet done. "the bet...remember?"

at the moment after yugyeom said those two words, 'the bet.' jungkook finally got it, and he stopped writing instantly, putting his pencil down upon realisation. its the last day already?

he didn't know, and he wasn't joking. after all those terrible events had occurred, he had completely lost track of time, he didn't even know the dates of each day.

he still remembered how he has longed for this day to come at the start of the month, but right now if he would truthfully say, he doesn't know anymore.

he knew that he had said and assured yugyeom so many times that he would never and ever, fall in love with the girl of the name, kim yerim. he was so confident that she would be just another fling of his, and he would probably forget about her after a few days.

but now, kim yerim who was once someone jeon jungkook had never once bothered about or even cared about, but kim yerim to him now is his everything, his paradise, whereas she is literally one of the most precious person in his life right now.

as after all these days, he would admit that he had gradually started to fall for her, because of her mainly goods and some of her bad. he fell for her because of her kindness at times, her sweetness to elderlies, and her warmth she was willing to provide whenever he was at his urge of breaking.

his end goal was to break her heart, but he knows that if he does that, he would be breaking his own heart at the same time.

now, he doesn't know anymore, whether he should choose pride, or love.


"wait, this isn't the direction back to your house." she said, feeling suspicious once she had realised that much of the streets isn't that familiar anymore. she had never seen these places.

"since when did i say that we were going back to my place?" he said.

"then, where are we going?" he doesn't answer her question directly, instead, the boy took her hand, and held onto it, and said, "somewhere, you'll find out soon. trust me."

"i trust you." she smiled and him and he knew it, even if his eyes were on the road, making sure they were going towards the correct directions.


it was already so late at night. the drive took longer than expected, and they had to get to the nearest gas station to get some gasoline, and get them both a quick dinner of instant noodles that tasted better with their companies to each other and maybe the rain too, that was falling down from the sky.

it was still raining, but the two didn't mind the rain at all, they sat at the trunk of jungkook's car, sharing a huge blanket together as they chatted, laughed and, ate some snacks.

yerim stuck out her hand, where raindrops hit the palm of her hand, as she closed her eyes, listening to the soothing sounds of the rain hitting the ground, trying to free her mind; relax.

she stepped out of the car, where she was instantly soaked with rain, she smiled wildly as she felt the rain completely soaking her whole entire body, head to toe.

"hey, you are gonna get sick, come back." he tried to convince the girl who took none of his words in, as she continued to turn in numerous circles, round and round in the rain.

instead, the girl walked towards the trunk where he sat, and grabbed him by the arm, and forced him out into the rain with her.

once he had step foot into the rain, he had realised why she didn't want to get out of the rain and back into the shelter, that could keep her dry. it didn't matter whether he was dry or wet, he felt comforted by the rain, the rain was as if pulling him into an embrace where he felt relaxed and just lots of fun.

they danced in the rain, doing dances that they themselves think were good, but they might just look like some weird people in the middle of nowhere, doing silly dances in the rain.

"isn't it fun?" yerim says a little louder than usual, squinting at him, hoping to see better as the rain constantly appearing at her sight made seeing a little harder than usual. she had her arm wrapped around his neck and his hands were around her waist.

"yeah, it is." he grinned at her.

that felt as if it was the perfect time, the perfect time for yet another kiss. their minds seem to be linked as they automatically moved forward, where they felt each others warm breaths on their skin. her lips brushed against his gently, and before he could lean forward more to connect them together, her phone rang.

an alarm; 00:00

triple update & finalising the book! 👌👀

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