
15 1 1

Time 2:16

Not everyone likes change which is understandable.
It's different to everyone.
Personally I never really had an issue with change because I grew up in a family where we moved every 6-12 months.
Recently a lot of changes have happened in my life,
Here's just a few;

The first 'serious' change I guess is the fact I've been diagnosed with Graves' Disease and Hyperthyroidism.
Which in short means my immune system has been attacking my thyroid for god knows how long,
Which made it work overtime.
So body as been working to hard for its own good for the last few months/years.
One interesting fact about Graves' disease is that it can occasionally be the cause of anxiety.
And honestly since I've been on meds for it my anxiety isn't as noticeable anymore.
Another 'fun' fact about my graves is that when I first got diagnosed with it my heart rate was 159 bpm,
And for anyone who doesn't see the problem with that number let me just tell you that the normal heart rate for a 14 year old like me is some where between 70-90.

The second 'major' one is that my cousin lives with me and dad now because of issues at her house.
She's the closest thing I have to a sister honestly,
She's pretty much the best.
We've never really been that close because we only ever saw each other once a year if we were lucky.
Shes 4 years older than me and essentially my best friend.

The next change that's happened is I got my ears pierced (my first ones) after so many people telling me not to do it.
As soon as I had them done everyone gave me attention because it was 'different' for me and no one thought it would suit me, but now no one thinks that anymore.
It gave me a sense of appreciation...
For about the week that it lasted.
I realised everyone was just sucking up to me so I wouldn't think they were pricks for thinking I was too scared to get them done.
But getting my ears pierced has been something I wanted to do for so long,
So I'm happy I finally managed to do it.

Next is the fact that I dyed my hair after having to convince my mum to let me for at least a month.
It's a lot darker now so in certain lights it looks black which often takes people by surprise.
I also cut my hair (again) so it's slightly longer than shoulder length now.
Changing my hair gave me a bit of a self confidence boost I think,
Just the sense of accomplishment that I can change what I look like and do without needing anyones approval.

Small things that have changed are things like;
I apparently sound a lot more southern (as in London area) now
I'm very sassy and probably quite obnoxious now
I changed the style of the clothes I wear
I painted and redid my room at my dads house
And I'm planning on redoing my room at my mums house
I got accepted into a very good school that I start at in September
I temporarily moved to my dads house until I go back for school
And then others that I can't think of.

I think from writing all of those down I've realised that change is something that needs to happen in order for you as a person to develop.
I am sorry to one person in particular though.
And I don't apologise much but he doesn't have wattpad so I guess it doesn't matter anyway.
But I will apologise to you for being a cunt and cutting you out of my life if I ever show this to you.
I miss you hun.
I hope we work it out.

Well now that that ramble is over I'm going to go to sleep.

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