
10 1 2

Time 1542

Hello, Long time no see.

Now at this point in time I am very aware that there is basically only one person who reads what I write on here, but oh well.

Im sick right now and had nothing better to do with my time so here I am writing pointless shit that I could just keep to myself but what's better than keeping stuff to yourself? Thats right, creating a place on the internet that makes you an easy target for people to pick out your insecurities and use then against you in anything you do. Yum.

To that one person who I know reads this (or I hope still reads this), hi. I hope you're doing well. I just wanted to thank you. Not sure what for yet. Just know that I thank you for everything you've done and everything you'll probably end up doing in the future.

Im getting to a point in life were Im able to be proud of myself, kind of. I mean I dated someone (for a week) which I didn't think id be able to do, because I didn't want to make the last person I was with upset (I care too much okay). I thought id upset them because whenever we broke up I always said that i still liked them etc and I just didn't want them to think I lied to them if that makes sense? Idk but I got over that, eventually. I'm also actually doing decently in school? Im getting 7s (old grade system that would be an a/b) in 2 sciences which I guess is alright.

My schools getting a prom now (hopefully). My year will be the first to have one, Im one step ahead of people bc I've already been taxed (claimed for all you non-brutish folk) for it by one of my mates.

ALSO IM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS BECAUSE IM ACTUALLY STARTING TO KINDA LIKE THE WAY I LOOK (sometimes, other time I just look disproportionate). BUT THIS MEANS I CAN FINALLY ACTUALLY BE MYSELF I GUESS?! Nothing worse than having a narcissistic personality but being ugly as fuck.

And on that note im gonna go make food and try not to throw it back up.


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