New Beginning's

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This is not very accurate, I have not included a lot of Demi's story into this, I am only really going off her personality and parts of her life.

Thanks for reading, please comment, favourite and follow (:

I had it all, the perfect job, an amazing boyfriend, great friends, but something in my life was missing, and there was something I needed in my life.

Always seeing Selena with Grace or Miley with Noah or even Justin with Jazzy and Jaxon, I always felt a little jealous. Yes, I do have my sisters and I love them to death but we rarely spoke most of the time. I was unable to see them most of the year and felt lonely. Most nights I stayed up wondering if I could do it, have a child on my own, but with my boyfriend currently in the picture, who was currently uninterested in having children, it was not going to happen.

I had been working on some paper work for my agent when I came across an article in the stack of papers I had picked up from my mail box. It was an article for a orphanage run by an older woman that was closing down, the last of its kind in LA, and the children were looking one last time for a forever home before being placed in the foster system.

I had originally shook my head at my instant want to go, but after spending all day on set of "Glee" thinking about it, I agreed with my heart that I did want to go and check it out. As I walked out to my car, I looked at the back seat and thought about what it would be like to have a child sitting there, maybe a girl? Or a little boy. Either would satisfy me.

I didn't mention it to my boyfriend where I was going, I wanted to check it out, that's all, I said. That's all. As I pulled up to the old house, I saw a woman greeted people as they walked up the old Victorian house. I knew of this woman, she had a big heart, and had recently lost her husband to cancer and was becoming much too old to be a caregiver to so many children.

I had recently dyed my hair, making me unnoticeable with my large black sunglasses and blonde hair. I said hello to the woman at the door, who smiled at me as I stepped into the room. Inside, the house smelt the wild flowers and sugar, people were crowding around. I picked up a piece of paper at the door and read over it. It was telling those who came what the event was, if we wished to donate and where to go if we were looking for a certain age.

The home housed all ages, anyone from age two to sixteen, which is when most kids get emancipated, but there was older kids in the seventeen to eighteen ages that did not attend, as well as a lot of the older kids as I looked around the room. The oldest child I could see looked to be about twelve and was a blonde haired child who had a bright smile, he was currently impressing a young couple who smiled and laughed with him.

I looked around the bright room for a moment, spotting a group of seven year old's, I moved towards them and took off my sunglasses. The smaller children didn't recognize me, but some of the older girls and boys whispered together, clearly knowing who I was.

I had talked to a lot of children, they were all so adorable and so sweet to me, and everyone else in the room. I had chatted with other looking parents, noticing over an older couples shoulders as a little girl with baby blue eyes and blonde hair stepped into the room, she was dressed in a pair of blue jeans shorts and a pink flowered top. She sat on the couch, kicking her feet against the dirty white fabric behind her. I excused myself from the couple, who moved to the drink table and got some punch as I approached her.

"Hello." I said, sitting next to her. She looked over at me, her blue eyes sparkling in the afternoon sunlight. She weakly smiled back, waving at me. I leaned back against the couch, sitting almost a foot from her as she continued to kick her legs.

"My name's Demi, what's yours?" I asked the small blonde, who turned her head to me.

"Sofia is my name, Sofia with an F." She told me.

"Thats a beautiful name, how old are you?" I questioned the young blonde.

"I just turned five." She told me with a toothy smile. Her two bottom teeth were missing and I could see her pink tongue sticking through the gap. I couldn't help but smile back, she was just too cute.

"How old are you?" She asked and I shook my head a little

"Too little fingers to show you, kiddo." I laughed and she let out a small giggle that almost made my heart shrivel up from cuteness. As I talked to her over the next few hours, she became more comfortable with me, and I watched her face drop as they announced the last fifteen minutes for meeting times. We were asked, if we were planning on adopting, that we keep it to ourselves about who we were interested in taking home until it can be finalized, because sometimes it did not work out as planned.

My heart broke having to say goodbye to her, she looked some uncomfortable as I knelt down in front of her and said goodbye. Little Sofia rang her hands together as I walked away, she stood in the doorway as I got in my car and drove away.

I had felt wonderful at first, meeting and experiencing all these beautiful children, but my heart began to hurt as I got home to my apartment. I thought about Sofia all though the rest of my night, I ate dinner and I thought of her, I cleaned up quickly and I thought of her, I just thought about her.

While I was resting in the bath late into the night, I thought about everything I had done that day. I spent hours with Sofia talking about her and her life, she was such an amazing little girl, she had a big personality and her beauty was astonishing. I wanted to see her again, I wanted to see her everyday.

I made the choice as I hoped out of the bath, what was I waiting for? My boyfriend could get over himself if he had a problem with this, this is my life and if he doesn't want to be a part of what I bring into my life, he can find the nearest door and leave.

I wanted to adopt Sofia.

Well, here is the first edited chapter of this story! It is much longer than the first, and I wanted to mention, if you want to read the original story line, I will be posting it on my second account strugglingdaily. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and head over to my other account for other stories I will be posting and much more!


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