Periods (Avengers)

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So if periods and things about periods make you squeamish it uncomfortable, then you probably shouldn't read this
*it's milder than I thought it would be*

Tony created a chat
Tony added Steve, Sam, Bucky, Peter, Clint

Tony: Is (Y/N) okay, have any of you guys seen her today?

Clint: It's 9:30. ON A SATURDAY

Clint: So no, I haven't seen her

Sam: I've been running with Steve and Bucky

Peter: You can run and text at the same time?

Sam: Oh, nah I stopped running like 10 minutes ago

Tony: Very interesting, now back to my thing

Tony: Me and (Y/N) were supposed to get breakfast but she's not here

Bucky: Why don't you check her room, or text her instead of us

Peter: Yeah that would've been a good idea Mr. Stark

Tony: yeah well I didn't really ask you guys

Clint: that's exactly what you did

Steve added (Y/N) to the chat

Sam: yo

(Y/N): ughhhhhhh

(Y/N): what?

Tony: Where are you?

(Y/N): in my bed, where else would I be at 9:37 on a Saturday morning?

Tony: We were gonna get breakfast

(Y/N): oh yeah, I need a rain check, next week maybe?

(Y/N): Or in 4-6 days...

Bucky: What?

Clint: Ohhhhhh

Steve: Are you okay?

(Y/N): I'm peachy Steve

Tony: So why can't you come to breakfast if you're peachy?

(Y/N): that was sarcasm

Sam: have you ever heard someone say they were peachy in a non-sarcastic way?

Steve: (Y/N) are you sick?

Peter: Should we send Bruce up to your room?

(Y/N): Aww look at Peter and Steve being my moms, I'm good guys :)

Clint: i stan it, they're so adorable

(Y/N): I knowwwww

Sam: They're fangirlling

Clint: cause, they're just, ughhhhh

(Y/N): they really are

Steve: Do you want us to come up there?

Peter: We could bring you something if you're sick

Peter added Bruce to the chat

Peter: Bruce is (Y/N) okay?

Bruce: idk, can Friday still read the chats, Friday scan her

(Y/N): Friday remember what I told you

FRIDAY: All tests came back showing she's perfectly healthy, Mr. Banner.

Bruce: okay, thanks Friday

Bruce: I'm going to go back to doing my job now

Bruce left the chat

(Y/N): see I'm fine, I can't go to breakfast cause of things

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