Shopping With The Avengers

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- it's a lot of work

- because everyone wants something

- and nobody remembers what they want till you're ready to go to the register

- so they start calling and texting you

- sometimes you'll leave and have to go back to the store

- "well I told you guys to make a list"

- thor is the easiest to shop for

- he always want poptarts

- but he makes lists anyways

- so you get one list with poptarts and some cute doodles

- you always remember tony's coffee

- you guys take turns shopping

- but you're pretty sure that you're shopping most of the time

- you don't think you've ever seen tony go shopping

- and sam and clint have both gone shopping like once

- so you're probably doing most of the shopping

- steve and thor always offer to go with you

- but you usually say no

- cause too many girls come up and try to talk to them

- you make them carry the bags in though

- sometimes you'll bring peter

- and he's very helpful

- but he tries to pick up everything

- you usually say yes

- because he's peter

- and he's really nice when he asks

- one time you got him like 5 types of chapstick cause he couldn't pick

- tony told you to stop spoiling him cause he's not your kid

- you told him that he's spoils him more

- and that he's also not his parent

- he was not happy about that

- "don't come for me unless I send for you"

- "I- what?"

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