Who is She? (Sam Wilson)

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(R/N) - random name

Sam and Steve had just finished moving all of Sams stuff into the compound. The whole process of him moving in took about a month or so. You had been on a mission for about 2 months, and you got back in the middle of the night, about 2 days after Sam moved in, so you had yet to meet. It was about 3am, and you knew the only people that would be up were Tony and possibly Bruce. You dragged yourself down to the lab And slowly pushed the door open. "Tony? Bruce? You guys down here? Guess who's back?" You plopped down on a stool next to Tony's workstation. Tony was tinkering with some random things while Bruce did paperwork. "Hey (N/N), how was your mission?" Tony asked sparing you a glance while you rested your head on your hand. "I mean, I got the job done. I just don't know why I have to keep working with (R/N)." You rolled your eyes at the thought of the agent. "Yeah I never liked (R/N)." Tony admitted and you smirked. "You don't like (R/N) cause they tried to flirt with me at the same time as you." Bruce smiled at the 2 of you and Tony scoffed. "It's 3am and you're still a smartass. And you know you liked me more than (R/N)." You laughed as Bruce looked up at you. "Oh, by the way, they're having a lunch thing tomorrow." You nodded, deciding you need to head up to bed soon. "Yeah, it's casual. You should wear your baby blue sundress." Tony told you and you made a face. "I swear you know every item in my wardrobe." You shook your head before walking over to give Bruce and hug and pat Tony on the shoulder. "I'm going to bed, you guys should too." "Not gonna happen, goodnight sweetheart." You shook your head but smiled as you headed up to your floor.

When you walked down to the party, most people were already there. You made your way to the bar when you saw Natasha and Thor chatting. "Lady (Y/N)! You've returned from your mission! Tell us the tale of your adventure." You and Natasha smiled at Thor. "It wasn't all that exciting. Same old boring mission report stuff." You shrugged, sitting on the stool next to his. "Nonsense, I want to know everything!" You smiled as you began to give him the details of your mission. Sam, Steve, Clint, Bucky, and Rhodes were all sitting on the couches exchanging stories when Sam glanced at the bar. "Whoa, wait. Who is she?" Everyone glanced to the bar. "Who's who? Ohh, that's just (Y/N)." Bucky answered before turning back to Sam. "Just (Y/N)? How come I've never met her before," Sam stared at you and the other men chuckled, "wow." Bucky raised an eyebrow at Sam. "You got a bit of drool there buddy." Bucky teased. "Shut up, but seriously; why haven't I met her? She's an avenger?" Sam finally looked away from you to turn back to the rest of the group. "She is, she's being on a mission for the past couple months, probably got back last night." Clint explained as the whole group started looking at you. Natasha glanced at them, but turned back when she noticed them staring. What are you idiots doing? She mouthed when Clint saw her. Sam was being a creep so now we're all being creeps. She rolled her eyes before going back to their conversation. "You've really never met (Y/N)? She's great." Steve asked and Sam shook his head. "Hey (Y/N)!" You looked around the room before your eyes landed on Steve and you smiled. He waved you over so you used Thors knee to push yourself off of your chair and made your way over to them. You sat between Clint and Bucky. "Good to see you Steve." He nodded. "It's always nice to see you. This is my friend Sam, he got recruited about a month ago." You reached out a hand for him to shake. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Sam Wilson." He gave you a wink and you smiled. "I'm (Y/N)."

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