Hoodies (Peter Parker)

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me updating ??  that sounds fake but okay. actually though, i think i posted this by accident before because i don't remember finishing it so here it is finished.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Sam called as he was walking into the room, and you could almost hear the smirk on his face. "Yes?" You turned in your chair to face him. "Is that your hoodie?" He asked and your eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah?" You didn't look to see what hoodie you were wearing before Sam started to answer. " I could've sworn I saw Pe-" He got cut off when Peter walked into the room. He walked by and hugged you, resting his head on top of yours before walking to the cabinet. He was to open it but he stopped and turned to you. "Is that my hoodie?"

Peter made his way back over to you with a small smile on his face. "Yeah, it smells like you." You laughed and Sam shook his head. "I forgot I gave it to you, I was looking for it earlier." You shrugged. "Where did you even get this? It's so soft." You didn't even notice Sam pull out his phone and take a picture.

"I think May got it for me, want me to ask her where she got it?" He asked, pulling up a chair next to you. "No I'm just gonna keep yours until it doesn't smell like you anymore." You leaned your head on his shoulder, taking his hand and just playing with his fingers while he watched you. "Weirdo." When you noticed Sam taking pictures you stuck out your tongue at him. Peter just smiled but for the next picture he he rested his head on yours. He hugged you again before getting up to leave again. "Send those to me, and I want my hoodie back." He called as he walked out the room. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Well (N/N), I've been doing this life thing longer than you and I know what teenagers are like." He said in a joking tone. "Are you sure you remember? That must've been a long time ago." You teased and Sam elbowed you softly. "Hey I'm not that old. But seriously, that's like your whole boyfriend right there. He likes you back."

"Oh are we talking about (Y/N) and Peter?" You rolled your eyes as Steve pulled up another chair. "Yeah I was telling (Y/N) that they have to get it together before Peter starts dating someone." Sam told him. "No he likes her a lot I don't think he's gonna date someone else.

"I don't know, teenage boys are stupid. I definitely remember dating someone even though I liked someone else." Sam told him and Steve shook his head. "Are we sure it's not just you that's stupid and not all teenage boys?" You asked and Sam nodded. "Yup, it's all of them."

"All of who?" Tony asked, walking into the room with a cup of coffee. "They're talking to me about boys." Tony raised an eyebrow. "And by boys I'm assuming you mean just Peter." Steve sipped his tea. You put your head in your hands without responding. "See kid? It's not just me! We can all tell you like each other."

"Yeah he likes you a lot, he doesn't think you like him back though." You glanced up at Tony. "He does?" Sam let out an exaggerated sigh and Tony just nodded. "Like he told you that?" Tony nodded again and you looked down at the table, lost in your thoughts when Sam started talking again. "What have I been telling you this whole time?"

"For supposedly being two of the smartest kids your age you and Peter are kinda dumb." Steve chimed in. "I forgot I came in here to get chips, but why are we dumb? Not that I'm denying it." You looked up at Peter with wide eyes before glancing at everyone else. "What?" You quickly got up, grabbed Peter by the arm, and pulled him out of the room.

"Why are you being weird, what were you guys talking about?" You pulled him into another room and closed the door. You walked back over to him and looked at him, studying his face a bit, before glancing back at the door. "You like me?" You finally asked, looking back at him. "What makes you think tha-Tony told me." He ran a hand through his hair.

"After you had left Sam was talking about how we like each other and should do something about it because you might find someone else and then Tony came in and was saying you actually do like me and Steve was just drinking that stupid tea he likes and," you rambled on and Peter tried to keep up with what you were saying. You paused when he started laughing. "What's so funny?"

"That stupid tea," he said, "he's always telling someone that they should try it" Your face broke into a smile and you laughed with him. "I tried it one time and it wasn't that bad," you rolled your eyes, "better than those snacks he likes." Peter started laughing harder. "They're not even old people snacks, they're just bad."

You were laughing so hard you started to lean into him and Peter caught you by your arms. He looked at you fondly with a soft smile. "What?" You asked when your laughter died down and you noticed him staring. "You're still wearing my hoodie."

"It was cold downstairs and-" you froze when he gently grabbed your face. Your eyes widened and searched his for a moment. "Can I kiss you?" He whispered and you had barely nodded before he captured your lips with his. Your arms wrapped around his neck as his hands hesitantly moved to your waist. You felt like the two of you were molded together when he turned you so that you were where he was previously standing, and then softly pressed you against the door. You pulled him closer and when he pulled back to breathe you followed him with your lips. You were feeling almost euphoric when someone knocked on the door. You and Peter practically jumped out of your bodies as you broke apart. Bucky and Sam's heads poked through the door.

"Steve and Tony elected us to come and tell you that no funny business better be happening in here." Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to focus and process what he was saying but Peter was all you could think about. You heard Bucky snicker and saw Sam hit him. "Judging by your faces and how heavy you're breathing, I'd say we were too late." You and Peter walked out past Sam and Bucky as they began to tease you. "Peter and (Y/N) sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G..."

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