Dating Them Would Include (Peter Parker)

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^^^ tag yourself i'm flower boy

- him telling tony about you

- and how smart, funny, and pretty you are

- tony looking up all you of your records

- all of them

- he could tell peter where you were born and the elementary school you went to

- he "just wanted to see if they were as great as you said they are"

- but none of this was before he told may

- she immediately wanted to meet you

- it was mutual though, you both bothered peter about when he'd bring you to meet her

- she took the 3 of you out to eat

- you were both a bit shy at first

- you each really wanted the other to like you

- but peter said something silly and you made fun of him

- and then you and may were bestfriends

- peter almost wanted to bring you straight home

- what if may started showing you baby pictures ?

- you stole most of his hoodies

- and by most I mean all

- he would come over and find them all in your closet

- "why didn't you just give them back"

- *shrugs*

- may thought it was the cutest thing when you'd show up in his hoodies

- ~study sessions~

- ~study buddy's~

- and the softest hugs™️

- no but really

- how does he hug like that ?

- he doesn't really like doing spiderman things with you

- he'd rather people not see you with spiderman

- but every once in a while he can't resist coming in through your window

- not before checking every alley and looking over his shoulders a thousand times though

- and only in the middle of the night

- "what are you doing"

- "i wanted to say hi" *pouts*

- "it's 2:30 in the morning"

- "... so?"

- "go home and go to bed"

- *dramatic sigh* "okAYyyyy" *pouts more*

- he finds cards with nerdy references for any occasion

- like where did he find a star wars card for easter ?

- but it's cute

- he makes you take cute selfies with him

- "it's for the gram"

- "okay but maybe don't say that again"

- all your friends think it's cool that your posts get liked by the avengers though

- "you know thor liked you picture?"

- "tag me so captain america will follow me"

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