Tours - Part 2 (Peter Parker)

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Peter took a deep breath as him, Ned, and MJ climbed off the bus. He noticed the smug looks Flash and his friends kept sending his way. He also saw the sympathetic glances from others, no doubt also a result of his "stark internship" and Flash. Peter was more concerned about the reactions when they found out that he did in fact, spend a lot of time at the tower.

The teacher lead the class into the lobby where two interns were waiting for them. Peter recognized the shorter intern, whose name was Betty, but he didn't know the taller one. "Hey guys, my name is Jen, and I'll be giving about half of you a tour, while Betty takes the other half." The teacher smiled and began to call out the group that would leave with Jen. He was glad to notice that Ned and MJ were with him, but so was Flash, who kept sending Peter funny looks. "Wait you know Tony Stark's daughter, right?"

"Hi, so I'm just gonna make sure the rest of you are here, give you your name badges and then we can head off." Peter gave Ned a confused look as Betty began to read off names. "Yeah, why?" He asked, as MJ walked up to get her badge. "Is she gonna be here? Like with us?" Peter shrugged. "I don't know."

Flash looked at Peter when he realized that he hadn't been called. "Hey Peter? I didn't get you a badge cause I figured you'd bring your normal one, but you should be - I have it." Peter quickly cut Betty off, pulling the badge out of his bag and Flash's eyes went wide. "Great," Betty smiled, "let's get started then. If you'll follow me to the elevator I'll tell you about..." Betty continued talking but Peter stopped listening since he already knew most things about the tower. About halfway through the elevator ride, Betty had stopped talking so he mostly heard people whispering to their friends.

"Hello Mr. Parker." Everyone, besides Peter and Betty, jumped at the sound of Friday's voice. "Hey Friday." Peter said with a sigh and he noticed the look Flash was giving him. "Will you be staying after your tour today?" She asked and his eyes widened. "Um, I didn't ask To- Mr. Stark and I'll probably have to go back to school anyway."

"Oh it's Mr. Stark now?" Friday asked jokingly. "It's always been Mr. Stark." Peter sounded a little annoyed. "Well I'll be sure to let Mr. Stark know, but if you want to stay I'm sure he can work something out." Peter nodded as the whole class stared at him.

"Well we're here so let's get going." The whole class filed out of the elevator as Betty began to talk about what was on that floor. Peter was barely listening, except when he would chime in on Ned and MJ's conversation. At one point Betty let the class move around that section on their own for a little while. Peter was with Ned and MJ, by where he left some of his stuff. He saw Flash walking towards them before he heard a familiar voice.

"What's up guys?" Peter and Ned's eyes widened as they saw you walking over to Betty. "Hey, I had nothing else to do so I figured I'd come distract them and get you in trouble." You joked. Betty rolled her eyes and the parts of the class that were close by just watched. "Still pretending like you know how to relate to people your own age?" She raised an eyebrow as she tried to hold back a smile and you fake gasped, putting your hands on your chest. "Excuse you, I know how to relate to people my own age, like Peter! Hi Peter!" You waved and started to make your way over to him, as the rest of the class began to watch in shock. "Tony Stark's daughter is walking over to us." Ned whispered as you stuck your tongue out at Betty. "She is, be cool." MJ laughed. "Do either of you know how to be cool?"

"Hey I'm (Y/N), you're Ned right? It's nice to finally meet you cause Pete talks about you a lot, did you ever finish your lego death star?" Ned just stared until MJ nudged him with her foot. "Oh! Uh, yeah." You looked at Peter. "He's normally cooler than this, this is MJ." She nodded at you and you smiled. "So why is everyone staring at us?" You asked and MJ chuckled. "Cause you're Tony Stark's daughter."

"Well they should be like Peter and only freak out for a few seconds." MJ looked at Peter and smiled. "You freaked out when you met her?" Peter quickly shook his head. "Uh huh, you did. It was cute though." You smiled and winked at Peter, who just turned red. "So Ned, like Star Wars?" He just nodded. "Peter!" You and Peter looked towards were the familiar voice came from, and you started to walk away. "That's my cue to leave, I'm supposed to be helping Jen, but tell my dad I said hi. Friday, where's Jen?" You jogged off to the elevator as Tony turned the corner.

"Hey kid, how's it going?" Tony asked, patting him on the back. MJ chuckled to herself as Ned just watched. "I'm good, how are you Mr. Stark?" Tony raised his eyebrows before breaking into a grin. "It's just Mr. Stark now?" Peter rolled his eyes again, noticing the look on Flash's face. "I see how it is Peter. I'm gonna go get coffee before Bruce sends Pepper or Rhodes after me."

"Your daughter said hi." MJ called, and Tony quickly turned back around. "How rude of me. I'm Tony, although apparently I've been demoted back to Mr. Stark, but welcome to my tower." He shook her hand before turning to Ned. "Hi, and you are?" Ned was quiet and Tony glanced at Peter. "That's Ned."

"Well it was nice to meet you Ned. Am I forgetting anything else?" Peter shook his head. "Okay great. Have a wonderful tour everyone!" He called to the rest of the class before slipping out the room. "What just happened?" Flash asked but his friend just shrugged. "I think we'll have time for about 2 more floors before I have to get you guys back down for your bus." Betty said and led everyone back to the elevator. "So are you staying after the tour with Mr. Stark, Peter?" MJ joked and nudged his shoulder but he just laughed. "Oh shut up."

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