Roadtrips (Avengers) - Imagine

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So this was supposed to come out a long time ago b/c I've been working on it for a while, but then I accidentally deleted the part so I had to rewrite it and I wanted it to be just as good
(F/A) = favorite animal

"Come on a road trip, he said. It'll be fun, he said." Clint complained under his breath as Steve drove along the highway. Steve had somehow managed to convince Bucky, Natasha, you, Sam, Clint, Thor, Wanda, and Pietro to come on a road trip with him, and also fit you all in one car. Steve and Bucky were up front, Natasha was behind them with one of the seats lowered to make room for everyone's stuff, then behind her was Sam, you, and Clint. And finally, all the way in the back sat Wanda, Thor and Pietro.

Thor was sleeping, so Wanda was trying her best not to wake him up while trying to keep Pietro quiet too. Clint was mumbling about being hungry while you made Sam listen to music with you. Natasha, Steve, and Bucky were just chatting when Wanda sneezed. "Bless you!" You yelled, a little too loud because you had headphones in. You yelling had ending up waking up Thor, who jumped and smacked Pietro.

"What are you guys doing? Wait never mind," Steve glanced at the mirror before looking back to the road, "Bucky do something about that please." Bucky looked at Steve before looking at all of you with a fake annoyed expression. "Stop doing whatever you're doing," he turned back to Steve, "when did I agree to help you parent all your children?" Steve opened his mouth to argue but just shook his head and laughed. "I don't know, but now you're stuck."

"(Y/N)!" Clint whispered and you pulled out your earbuds. "What?" You whispered back. "Can you ask Steve to stop for food?" He asked and you shook your head. "I already asked him to stop twice cause I had to pee." Clint pouted. "Ask him yourself."

"He's more likely to say yes if you ask him." Clint said and you raised an eyebrow. "What, why?" You asked. "Favoritism." You laughed and shook your head. "Just ask Nat." You told him. "She already said no." You rolled your eyes. "Alright fine. Hey Steve?" Steve glanced at you in the mirror before looking back at the road. "Clint wants to know if we can stop for - ow! Why did you hit me?" You looked at Clint who just glared at you. "Keep your hands to yourselves, what did you want Clint?"

"Can we stop for food?" Clint asked while Wanda kept looking out the back window. "We're stopping somewhere in a bit. Wanda are you alright back there?" Steve asked and everyone turned to look at her. "Yeah, but I think there's something in the trunk."

"You know what it probably is? Wade." Steve shook his head as you pulled out your phone to text him. "He said he's not in the trunk cause he didn't want to come on the stupid road trip that Steve didn't invite him on anyway." You rolled your eyes. "Can I see your phone for a sec?" You handed Sam your phone as he began to text Wade. "Oh shoot."

"What happened?" Bucky turned to look at Wanda but his eyes widened when he looked out the back window. "What's going on?" Steve asked, keeping his focus on the road. "Wade jumped out the car." Wanda answered and everyone turned to see. "You should pull over to close the trunk and make sure the rest of our stuff doesn't fall out." You said and Steve nodded, before pulling off to the side of the highway. "We'd better not be late cause of this." Steve mumbled, getting out to close the trunk.

"How much longer?" Clint whined, for the fifth time. "If you don't stop asking I'm going punch you." Natasha threatened. "Don't do that, Nat. We're here anyways." Everyone tried to look and see where you were, but just saw a parking lot full of cars. "What is that contraption?" Thor asked and Sam looked to see where he was pointing. "Is that a Ferris wheel?" Sam asked and Steve nodded. "Alright so we're going to separate into groups." Steve said ask everyone climbed out the car. "Okay so how about Nat and Clint, Wanda and Pietro, then - I call dibs on Steve!"

"Alright, then me and Sam, and Bucky and oh there's three of you left." Steve faltered as he got to you, Thor and Bucky. "I mean I'm sure (Y/N) won't mind?" Steve gave you a pleading look. "Yeah, I won't leave you with Sam and Bucky, I'm not that mean." You joked and Sam scoffed. "You're just mad I'm not in your group." Sam said, as you all followed Steve to get wristbands for the fair. "I'm not mad at all actually."

"Alright, that enough. I want to leave before it gets too dark so meet here in 4 hours." Everyone nodded, checking watches and phones before separating into their groups. "Alright what do you guys want to do first?" You asked and Bucky shrugged as Thor started walking into the fair. You and Bucky both followed. You played random games together, and you and Thor ended up throwing darts at balloons.

Thor ended up getting a big stuffed (F/A), which he gave to you. You played another game and won him a stuffed rabbit. You turned to ask Bucky if there was something he saw that he wanted to do but he wasn't there. "Shit, Thor do you see Bucky?" You asked, looking around to see if you could find him. "He's right there." You looked where he was pointing and let out a sigh of relief, before leading Thor to the shooting game Bucky was playing. "You supposed to stay with your group." You scolded and he smiled. "I was right here." You rolled your eyes before trying the booth Bucky was playing. You ended up winning a stuffed duck and a big teddy bear. "Here this is for you." You handed Bucky the bear, just as he turned to hand you a stuffed turtle.

You laughed as you took the turtle from him. "This is cute, Buck." You turned to say something to Thor, who was looking at the Ferris wheel. "Did you want to go on the Ferris wheel?" You asked and Thor nodded. You, Thor, and Bucky made your way to the Ferris wheel, and luckily the line wasn't very long. You three were sitting in one of the carts, looking out at the rest of the fair. "Look at that bird!" Thor pointed. After getting off the three of you just wandered for a while, going to random games and eating different carnival foods.

Near the end of the 4 hours you ran into Sam and Steve. "Did you guys go to the booth with the baseballs and bottles yet?" Steve asked and you shook your head. "Do you want to come with us?" You looked at Bucky and Thor, who both nodded. You all went to that booth and Sam, Thor, and Bucky played while you just talked to Steve. You had your back facing them so you didn't see what happened. You just saw Steve's eyes widen and heard Sam laughing, you turned to see the man running the booth cupping and hand over his face yelling while Thor apologized. "Yeah it's time to go guys." Steve said, rushing you guys away from that booth, while giving the worker a large tip.

By the time you got to the meet up spot the rest of the avengers were there too. "So Sam, Buck, and Thor kinda got us kicked out so we're gonna go." Steve explained, while rushing everyone to the car. Sam ended up stealing Bucky's spot in the front, and Bucky stole your seat so you sat in Sam's spot. "Oh Wanda I got this for you." You said, handing her the duck and she smiled. "Pietro look it's a duck."

"Look what I got!" Clint held up this light up butterfly princess wand, that was flashing and playing music. "That's going to get annoying fast. Nat why'd you let him get that?" You asked and she looked at Clint. "It was either that or glittery fairy wings, and glitter gets everywhere."

It was a couple hours before Clint's toy really started getting on your nerves. "Clint can you turn that off please?" He gave you an innocent look. "Turn off what?" You just glared at him. "Clint!"

"What?" He asked, acting surprised. "Turn it off!" Steve just rolled his eyes, trying to ignore you two. "Just turn it off birdbrain." Natasha said, looking at him from her seat. "I have no idea what you guys are talking about."

"Clint I swear to god." He somehow managed to turn up the volume. "Alright I'm done." You unbuckled your seatbelt and climbed over Bucky as Clint leaned away from you. "(Y/N) get back in your seat and buckle you seat belt." Steve yelled and Sam laughed. "I'm gonna laugh when you go flying through the windshield." Natasha smacked his shoulder. "That's not funny!"

Meanwhile, you were trying to wrestle the wand from Clint and when you finally got it you lowered his window and threw it out. You climbed back over Bucky and sat back in your seat like nothing happened. "I'm not taking you guys on anymore road trips." You rolled your eyes and Sam scoffed. "I wish."

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