Dentist (Peter Parker)

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(Y/B/F) and (F/N): your best friend and friends name
Had to throw in a Peter imagine XD. Also I apologize for the lack of infinity war things but I'm still emotionally recovering and still in denial :') and here's some self promo: pm me and ask me for my Twitter if you want to follow me and who should I write about next?
*i feel like this is unnecessarily long*

Peter and you had finally found a good schedule for your training. You each figured out times to train by yourselves, with each other, and with the other avengers. You both also had time for Peter to visit May and Ned, and for you to visit (Y/B/F) and (F/N).

It had been about two weeks that you and Peter had been at the compound. You, Peter, Tony, and Steve were all in the gym. Steve was sparring with you while Tony watched and Peter was on his phone. "That was a good hit, (Y/N)." Steve complimented, and you pretended not to notice Tony watching you two intently. "Thanks Steve, but stop trying to distract me." He grinned as you dodged a hit.

"Oh shit." Peter glanced up at Tony and covered his mouth but quickly went back to typing on his phone while Tony whipped his head to Peter. "Um, excuse you." He said and you rolled your eyes, trying to keep your focus on Steve. "We agreed when we were 16 that we could cuss when we were 18," you reminded Tony, "and you good Pete?" You asked getting a couple good hits on Steve before he knocked you off balance but you quickly recovered.

"Yeah. Yeah I just forgot about an appointment I have and May reminded me." He was still texting her as Tony raised an eyebrow. "What appointment do you have?" Tony asked, going back to watching you and Steve. "I'm getting my wisdom teeth out in two days, you think Happy will drive me?" You narrowly dodged a hit from Steve, while trying to listen in on their conversation. "He can't; I have a meeting I need him to come with me to, Steve could probably take you though."

"Steve?" Peter called and Steve nodded. "Yeah I can take you kid." Peter smiled, before joining Tony in watching you spar. "Wait if you're getting your wisdom teeth out that means you'll be all high and- oh jeez!" You had gotten distracted and Steve got a hard hit on your jaw. "Jesus Steve, could've gone a little lighter there, yeah?" Tony ran over to you with Peter and Steve close behind. "I'm sorry, I thought she was ready for me." He said as they all kneeled around you. "That's - that's what he said." You said laughing and squinting a little while Peter rolled his eyes. "Oh my god, (N/N). Are you alright?" You waved off his concern. "I'm fine, I just need some ice."

You got up slowly, before heading to the kitchen to check the freezer for ice packs. "Slow down, (N/N)." Peter called. You slowed down to let Peter catch up with you. "Are you sure you're okay?" You nodded. "I just got too excited to see you all loopy." You smiled and glanced sideways at him to see Peter with a dopey grin on his face. "I'm kinda nervous." You scoffed and nudged his shoulder. "You're Spiderman and you're nervous for simple dental surgery?" You teased as Tony walked in.

"I see getting socked in the jaw didn't throw off your flirting game." He quipped, as he poured himself a cup of coffee and leaned on the counter. He looked back and forth between you and Peter before his eyes settled on you. "Are you two dating yet?" You and Peters both eyes widened and Tony nodded. "No? Alright so forget I said anything. Finish your conversation about," he trailed off, "about whatever you 20 years olds talk about these days."

*adding another time skip*

You had called shotgun so you were sitting in the front with Steve while Peter sat in the back. "Still nervous?" You asked, turning to see him as he bounced his leg. "A little." You gave him an encouraging smile. "You're Spiderman, you'll be okay." You reassured him as Steve gave you two a knowing look. "What was that look, Steve?" He smiled. "Hmm? It was nothing, look we're here." You gave him a suspicious look and went to open you door but Peter opened it for you. "Thanks." You climbed out of the car as Steve put on a baseball cap sunglasses before walking into the dentists office.

"You really think that's a good disguise?" You asked Steve as Peter checked in. "It's worked so far." He shrugged and you gave Peter a thumbs up when the dentist called him in. You and Steve talked about random things(and he kept apologizing for punching you in the face) while waiting for Peter. When the dentist came to get the two of you it had been a while.

"Heyyyy guysssss! What's up?" Peter yelled when you walked in. His voice was a bit muffled by the gauze in his mouth. Steve laughed and you tried to get Peter to quiet down as the dentist glared at you. "You have to quiet down a bit, Pete." He pouted and you shot the dentist a sheepish smile. "Just use your inside voice." He grinned and you could see the gauze in his mouth. "Well I'm inside, so this is my inside voice!" You rolled your eyes and Steve chuckled. "He got you there." You glared at him before the dentist came back to sort everything out.

You got back in the car and Peter was in the back acting like a two year old. "I wanna stick my head out the window like a puppy." You couldn't understand what Peter was saying because of the gauze. He frowned before trying again. "I said I wanna stick my head out the window like a puppy!" You shook you head and Steve glanced at him in the mirror. "We still can't understand you bud." Peter looked down and frowned at you looked out the window. You heard Peter open his window and Steve didn't think anything of it but you glanced back in time to see Peter throw the gauze of the window. "Oh my god! Peter!"

"What?" You sighed. "We have more gauze, right?" You asked Steve and he noticed your exasperated tone. "Yeah, what did he do? Wait what is he doing now?" You turned to look at Peter and gasped. "He's, could you just pull over?" You grabbed the extra gauze and got out the car. "Wait no where are you going?" Steve looked at Peter. You got back in the car and his face lit up. "You're back!" You smiled as you put the gauze back in his mouth. "That was gross, leave it in this time."

"He looked like he was going to cry when you got out the car." Steve told you as he started to drive again and your rolled your eyes. "I missed you." Peter hugged you and you smiled. "You're adorable." You said, hugging him back. "No, you're adorable!" Peter yelled and Steve laughed.

"I see what Tony was talking about now." Peter didn't pay attention to Steve as he tried to figure out how to lay on you with a seatbelt on. "You and Tony talk about us?" You asked with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah, we all do. We may or may not have a bet running about how long before you start dating, but you didn't hear that from me." He gave you a pointed look and you just laughed. "I'm not even surprised. What's your bet?" Steve smiled. "Before the end of the month." You were about to respond when Peter poked you. "(Y/N)?"

"Yeah?" He looked up at you. "You love me, right?" Steve smiled. "Noooooo." You said sarcastically. "Of course I love you you're my bes- you don't love me?!" Peter sat up suddenly and your eyes widened as he looked at you, near tears. "Pete I was being sarcastic, I love you too." Peter crossed his arms. "That wasn't very nice." Steve bit back a laugh. "Sorry Peter." He smiled. "That's okay, I still love you."

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