Bad Day (Peter Parker)

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i'm a flop i put the wrong little caption up here and had to unpublish but hey guess who's back for a little while

"Thanks Happy." He nodded and drove off as you entered May and Peter's apartment building. You tried to keep it together as you went up the stairs and walked to their door. May opened the door when you knocked and smiled when she saw you, but her smile fell as you started to cry. She pulled you into a hug and held you for a little while. "I'm sorry I just had a bad day."

"It's okay. I was finishing dinner but I think Peter is in his room." She let you in and closed the door behind you. She went back to cooking as you made your way to Peter's room. You knocked and slowly pushed the door open. "Hold on May I- oh hey (Y/N), wait are you okay?" You started crying before you could answer and Peter moved to hug you. "Hey, hey it's alright." He pulled you down to sit next to him on his bed. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know I just had a bad day, everything kinda just piled up." He rubbed your back. "Do you want to talk about it?" You nodded and wiped tears from your face. "Well my mom and I got into an argument and I was really upset so I thought I'd go see if Tony or anyone else needed something. But I guess Tony was having a bad day too because he got mad at me and told me I was stupid and then Vision told me I should just get over it and I know he didn't mean it like that but still," you felt yourself getting louder so you stopped to take a deep breath, "and so I went to go talk to Thor because he's really great to talk to when stuff happens but he had already left without saying goodbye." You started crying again and Peter hugged you. "It's okay, you and your mom will be fine, Tony might apologize cause he has a soft spot for you but he knows you're smart. Vision's doing his best and I'm sure Thor had a good reason for not telling you he was leaving."

"I know it's just a lot, you know?" You said into his chest. "Yeah and I know you've been stressed the last couple weeks." You looked up at him and he frowned. "You look tired." You pulled away slowly and chuckled a bit. "Thanks Pete, you always know what to say." You wiped some tears away. "No seriously, have you been sleeping enough?"

"Uh, how much is enough?" You laughed nervously but Peters frown deepened. "I'm gonna get you some water because you're probably dehydrated too, text your mom and tell her you're here and we're going to take a nap." You blushed as you pulled out your phone and Peter got up. "Oh, um okay." He came back to find you laying on his bed and your phone on his bedside table. You sat up and drank from the water bottle he gave you before laying back down.

"My room at home has just been weird and uncomfortable lately, and when I can't sleep at the compound I just hang out with Bucky because he's usually awake too, and," you paused to yawn and Peter just sat on the bed next to you, "and-wow, your bed is really comfy Pete." Your voice was getting softer and you yawned again. "I know, move over."

You were pressed comfortably in between Peter and the wall. "You know your bed isn't meant for two people? You asked. "Yeah but we can make it work." He pulled you closer to him. "We always do."

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