Poof (Tony Stark)

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This is more of a parental figure relationship

"So where did you find her?" Steve asked. "It's a long story." Tony explained. Steve raised an eyebrow while Tony just shook his head and sighed. "I already told Fury and he thought it was fine." The other avengers gave Tony wary looks.

"So let me get this straight," Sam started, "you found this girl but won't tell us where, she has cool powers that you have yet to explain, she's a whole ass teenager, and you want her to join the avengers?" Sam concluded, crossing his arms. "She has transportation powers, so she can disappear and reappear somewhere else, but when she does there's this puff of dark grey smoke. So yes, no because I just explained, yes, and yes."

"What the hell, Tony?" Bruce asked. "First of all, where do you keep finding these kids?"
He added. "Youtube." Natasha mumbled and Clint snickered. "Look, she could be great if she just had some guidance. And not the kind she'd get as a SHIELD agent. I think she just needs real people in her life who actually care, and won't just weaponize her to take down a couple HYDRA bases." Everyone's expression softened a bit. "What about her family?" Wanda asked. "It's a complicated situation."

"Why do you care so much?" Tony opened his mouth to answer, but closed it again when he realized he didn't have one. "I don't know. I just do." Tony had been pacing back and forth, but stopped to face his fellow avengers. "Well?"

"Well what, Steve?" Tony asked before sitting down. "Well when do we get to meet her?" Tony tried to fight back a smile. "Are you serious? Fury has an agent showing her around the base; it's probably Hill or Coulson, I could probably get her here in 30 minutes an hour, tops." Tony sped up as he rambled, and began to pace the room. "It's probably Coulson, I could just call him right now."

"Tony!" Tony stopped and looked at Rhodey. "Chill. Call Coulson, and we'll wait." He nodded, before walking out the room.

*time skip*

"Okay so everyone is more or less nice enough." Tony said, guiding you to an elevator. You raised an eyebrow and gave him a sideways glance while playing with the sleeves of the oversized SHIELD hoodie he gave you. "That doesn't sound very promising." Tony just chuckled. "They're great, just a little intense.

"What do you mean?" You asked, as the elevator went higher. "You'll see, this is us." The elevator doors opened and you stepped through. "We're here!" Tony announced and all the talking in the room stopped. "Guys, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Steve, Bucky, Sam, Rhodes, Bruce, Thor, Wanda, Clint, and Natasha; there are some more people to meet but they aren't here." You looked at everyone, trying to match names to faces. "That was..." You trailed off before looking at Tony. "A lot of names we're gonna have to go through that again." Everyone laughed and you felt less nervous. You spent a while getting to know them before they started to notice you yawning.

"Are you getting tired?" Natasha asked and you nodded. "Ohh I can show you your floor!" Your eyes widened. "I get a whole floor?" Tony nodded again. "C'mon lets go!" Tony brought you up to your floor and told you to let FRIDAY know if you needed anything. When Tony got back the rest of the team was waiting for him. "I see why you like her so much."

"And why's that, Clint?" Tony asked, sitting in the last empty chair. "She's just like you." Tony scoffed and Sam laughed. "Are you serious, she's like, a smaller version of Steve." He argued and Natasha shook her head. "She literally has the same walk as Tony." Sam just sucked his teeth and Tony rested his head in his hand. "That's your argument? They have the same walk? If I wanted to I could start walking like Tony too." Steve shook his head. "I don't think so, Tony has a very specific walk."

"What's wrong with how I walk?" He sat up, looking at Steve and Natasha. "First you criticize my tower and now my walk?" Steve laughed before shrugging. "There's nothing wrong with how you walk, it's just you have your own style almost. On the other hand, there was a problem with the tower." Tony rolled his eyes and the team went on arguing about whether you were more like Steve or Tony.

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