3. Screaming

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I had woken up due to my phone ringing. The same old, boring ring that I'm tired of hearing.

Without lifting my body up too much, I stretched my arm out to the nightstand that had my phone on then answered in a groggy, morning voice.


"Hey Destiny, have you got into your hotel? You didn't call or answer my texts yesterday." Oh crap... Oops..... I forgot about that.

"Sorry mom, my phone was dead." I lied.

"It's alright, hunny but don't do it again. I was worried sick. How's everything going? Are you going to visit that friend of your today?"

"Everything's going fine; I'm starting to settle in. It's definitely going to be a fun month and no I'm not going to Amy today. I'm actually going to a concert."

"Oh okay. Have fun then sweets! I have to take Stella and Bell to school now talk soon!" My mom said then ended the call. Stella was one of my annoying cousins and Bell was the other.

I looked at my notifications and I had about 25 messages. I got excited for a second but then realised I had no friends and it was all from Amy. She was just spamming me nonsense and memes so I didn't bother saying much other than the fact that I wasn't going over today. I checked the time on my phone.

9:55 am

Ugh, so early. Why do I have to live like this. You might say that isn't early but I usually sleep in until 12. Waking up early is one of the worst possible things that could happen to me. I groaned then finally made the decision to get out of bed since I couldn't go back to sleep now. I did my normal daily routine including: brushing my teeth, skin care, makeup etc then put on a thigh length black dress with a long denim jacket (that reached down to my knees) and knee high black boots as well as a watch I have had for years. I brushed my curly hair, let it down, then put my phone into my mini backpack.

Finally, I started to make my way out not forgetting to lock the door. Holy cow, girls take ages to get ready. It's not even funny anymore at this point.

Deciding on whether to eat at the hotel or out, in the end decided to eat in since it was 'free' (already payed for). I walked down the hallways, into the lift and to the ground floor on my way to the restaurant. Let's just hope it's not too crowded.

After a while, I had finally got my tray of deliciousness including pancakes and eggs. I looked for a seat only to find the same familiar dude wearing a black hoodie with his hood up smiling at his phone. Should I go over? Meh, I'll go over.

"Hey singer." I grinned not sitting down just yet just in case he didn't want me to. I just stood at his table awkwardly.

"Sinner? God am I that bad?" He exclaimed looking up from his phone.

"What the hell dude. I said singer." I corrected scrunching my eyebrows jokingly.

"Oh right. Thought I heard something else. Why don't you sit down, Destiny?" Shawn gestured towards the seat in front of him.

"Thought you wouldn't ask." I placed my tray next to his on the table.

"Looking forward to tonight?" He asked taking a bite out of his muffin.

"You are taking up my time but I'll give you a shot. Do you realise how much I could get done in that time?" I joked. I actually was looking forward to it. If it weren't for him, I would have been stuck with a shopping obsessed friend aka Amy.

"You were the one that made the choice not me."

"I felt bad for you that's why I didn't say no."

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